Knowledge of the Human Papilloma Virus and its vaccine in young people in Latin America. Systematic Review
Human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted infection that affects millions of people around the world. It is a public health problem due to its association with cervical cancer. The objective is to know the level of knowledge that young people have about HPV and its vaccine in Latin America. The research was qualitative descriptive, using the structure of the PRISMA method, as a search tool in various databases of high academic prestige. The systematic review showed that young people had low levels of knowledge about HPV and the vaccine, but their knowledge about HPV, its prevention and its relationship with cervical cancer increased after the educational intervention, achieving a comprehensive understanding of the HPV situation among young people, focusing on the importance of prevention and education to reduce morbidity and mortality from cancers associated with this infection. The study is expected to be a valuable resource for health professionals, researchers and public policy makers seeking effective strategies to protect the health of young people in the region
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