Immunoglobulin E in patients attending Dr. Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano Hospital in Manta, Ecuador

Keywords: Immunoglobulin, allergy, IgE


The incidence and prevalence of allergic diseases have increased considerably, so many laboratories are dedicated to the study of allergens, from the immunological, structural, and functional point of view. Immunoglobulin E is fundamental in allergic phenomena and its concentration increases notoriously. To establish a background by means of serum determination of total IgE by the chemiluminescence method as an indicator of allergic disease in patients at the Hospital Dr. Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano, a study was carried out to determine the presence of allergens. Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano, the present observational, descriptive, retrospective, and cross-sectional study was conducted in 267 patients who came for IgE testing during 2019, of which the female sex was the most prevalent, with a direct relationship between the values of eosinophils and IgE with a predominance of values equal to or less than 190 IU/ml. With the chi-square test a statistically significant difference was obtained, predominantly the association between normal eosinophil values and IgE value, by Spearman a direct association between both variables was observed, highlighting a marked eosinophilia in the group with IgE values between 1000 and 1200 UL/ml. It is concluded that immunoglobulin E is a reliable test to make a diagnosis of allergy


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How to Cite
García Santana Z, Bracho Mora BM. Immunoglobulin E in patients attending Dr. Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano Hospital in Manta, Ecuador. Kasmera [Internet]. 2024Jan.27 [cited 2024Dec.20];52:e5239482. Available from:
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