Altitudinal floors and their relationship with the Infection Prevalence of Neglected Tropical Diseases of Ecuador. Systematic Review
The altitude or altitudinal floors is a variable associated with the climatology that influences the prevalence of neglected tropical diseases. A descriptive, field, documentary and cross-sectional investigation was carried out during January to July 2021. The highest prevalence of infection was recorded in the coastal region with altitudes between 0-350 meters above sea level. For Dengue, the provinces of Guayas (60.25%) and Manabí (21.63%) showed a higher prevalence. For Chagas, the province of El Oro (13.3%). For Leishmaniasis, Esmeraldas (11.43%). For Cysticercosis, Pichincha (4.99%) and for Geohelminthiasis, Zamora-Chinchipe (74%). Dengue transmission was found above 1600 masl. Chagas was registered in Pichincha, Loja and Sucumbíos over 2,200 meters above sea level. For Leprosy, there are no updated records. Climatic conditions favor the infectivity and dispersal of Cysticercosis eggs. A significant and positive correlation (P <0.01) was found between altitude and the prevalence of the pathologies studied. Altitude could become a predictive variable of significant importance to develop efficient strategies for monitoring, surveillance and prevention of these pathologies
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Copyright (c) 2022 Glenda Coromoto Velásquez Serra, Ana María Ramírez-Hescker, Roberto Darwin Coello-Peralta, Patricia Elizabeth Molleda-Martínez

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