Vaginal microbiota alteration in reproductive age women attending a Health Care Institute
Vaginal Infections are the result of a set of external and internal factors that alter the vaginal microbiota. Objective to determine the alteration of the vaginal microbiota in women of reproductive age who attended a gynecological consultation at the IPASME-Mérida -Venezuela, as well as establishing the relationship of some clinical and microbiological variables and risk factors with the different types of clinical entities. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in 40 women who were interviewed according to a structured questionnaire and a gynecological examination. The clinical and microbiological diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis was made using the Amsel criteria and by evaluation, according to the Nugent criteria, of the smear stained with the Gram stain. 47.5% of the women presented altered vaginal microbiota, with a 30% prevalence of bacterial vaginosis, followed by 10% of candidal vulvovaginitis and 6.5% of trichomoniasis. A statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) was found between bacterial vaginosis and the Amsel criteria. The smear of vaginal discharge, stained with the Gram stain, confirmed the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis
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