Validation of a short scale for measuring the level of basic knowledge about Coronavirus, Peru (KNOW-P-COVID-19)

Keywords: validation study, coronavirus, knowledge, pandemic, SARS-CoV-2


The coronavirus has generated the last pandemic, therefore, knowing this disease is important in all populations. For this, a short scale was validated to measure basic knowledge about Coronavirus (KNOW-P-COVID-19). First, it carried out a bibliographic search, then it was systematized and obtained the most important aspects, then a validation of the construct with experts, then exploratory factor analysis and the survey was applied to a large Peruvian population group. All items received a favorable evaluation from the experts (Aiken's V> 0.70); all the lower limit values (Li) of the 95% CI are appropriate (Li> 0.59) and all the values of the V coefficient were statistically significant. In the Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFE), the KMO Coefficient = 0.690 and the p value of the chi square <0.001; the GFI index (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.992; the CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0.916 and the RMSEA indicator (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) = 0.034. The final scale was left with 9 indicators, with two factors: "indications or actions post infection" and "the previous symptoms and knowledge". A basic knowledge scale in the disease caused by COVID-19 was validated


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How to Cite
Mejia CR, Rodriguez-Alarcon JF, Carbajal M, Sifuentes-Rosales J, Campos-Urbina AM, Charri JC, Garay-Rios L, Al-Kassab-Cordova A, Mamani-Benito O, Apaza-Tarqui EE. Validation of a short scale for measuring the level of basic knowledge about Coronavirus, Peru (KNOW-P-COVID-19). Kasmera [Internet]. 2020May18 [cited 2025Feb.6];48(1):e48106042020. Available from:
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