Human Papilloma Virus genotypes in Type III cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Cuenca–Ecuador, 2013-2017
Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in female population worldwide in underdeveloped countries, and in Ecuador it stands out in second place. This research focuses on HPV-genotype description in type III-intraepithelial neoplasms. The study type was analytical, retrospective and cross-sectional. The sample was 195 patients with NIC III diagnosis, from 20 to 60 years old, who were in the data system of “Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cancer” Cuenca–Ecuador, 2013-2017 term. It was established that HPV-16 genotype was in 32.9% (n 51) of all cases; factors like sociodemographic variables, tobacco use, infection, hormonal contraceptives use, more than one sexual partner, age of start of active sex life equal or less than 20 years old, didn´t show a relationship with HPV infection; on the other hand, IUD use and HPV-16 infection had a statically significant relationship (OR 2,75; CI 95% 1,21-6,26; p 0,01). HPV genotype HPV-16 was the most common, and IUD use was a risk factor to get HPV infectionReferences
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Copyright (c) 2019 Patricio Santiago Tigre Sinchi, Zoila Katherine Salazar Torres, Lizette Espinosa Martin, Karla Alexandra Aspiazu Hinostroza, Hermel Medardo Espinosa, Freddy Rosendo Cárdena Heredia

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