Virulence Factors of Aeromonas spp
Some species of Aeromonas have emerged as important pathogens associated with the
development of gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal infections. The objective of this study was
to evaluate the potential virulence of Aeromonas strains from vegetables. Virulence factors were
analyzed: DNase, lecitinasa, caseinase, gelatinase, hemolysines and hemaglutinies, in 59 strains
of A. hydrophila and 61 of A. caviae, isolated from coriander, parsley and lettuce obtained in
establishments in Maracaibo city. The results were analyzed through statistics χ2. The virulence
factors studied were expressed for more of the 80% of the strains. Four of the 6 factors were expressed
in greater proportion in Aeromonas hydrophila strains, although the difference between the species
only significant in for caseinase expression (94.9% vs 72.1%, p <0.05). All strains exhibited DNase
activity. The lecitinasa expression result slightly higher in A. caviae strains (p> 0.05). A significant
difference was evident in the number of virulence factors expressed by the two species, being higher
for A. hydrophila (p <0.05). The expression of a large number of virulence factors the analyzed
Aeromonas strains, allow to attribute a potential of pathogenicity to the strain of human infections
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Copyright (c) 2016 Gresleida Rincòn V., Alisbeth Fuenmayor B., Maribel Castellano G., Rosana Barrios U., Marìa Colina Ch., Gènesis Nuñez F.
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