SpyGlass in Venezuela
SpyGlass en Venezuela
Direct visualization in bile duct and pancreatic pathologies has been shown to be beneficial in patients in whom previous techniques have failed. The development of the SpyGlass system has led to increased use of cholangioscopy. Being beneficial in patients with difficult gallstones and indeterminate biliary lesions, it also allows the visualization of stones not visible by other methods, the placement of a guidewire through difficult strictures and the selective cannulation of the intrahepatic and cystic ducts. It is also proving its usefulness in research applications such as the treatment of stenosis of primary and post-liver sclerosing cholangitis, evaluation of hemobilia, and guided radiofrequency ablation of intraductals. In addition to being clinically useful, cholangioscopy can also be cost-effective by limiting the number of repeat procedures. Cholangioscopy generally has similar complication rates compared to other standard techniques, but higher rates of cholangitis have been reported, this could improve with the use of prophylactic antibiotic therapy.
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Boston Scientific Corporation. SpyGlass DS Direct Visualization System; Boston Scientific Corporation: Boston, USA, 2015.
Dimas, I.D.; Vardas, E.; Papastergiou, V.; Fragaki, M.; Velegraki, M.; Mpitouli, A.; Voudoukis, E.; Theodoropoulou, A.; Giannikaki, E.; Chlouverakis, G.; et al. Comparison of digital versus fiberoptic cholangioscopy in patients requiring evaluation of bile duct disease or treatment of biliary stones. Ann. Gastroenterol. 2019, 32, 199–204.
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Averbukh, L.D.; Miller, D.; Birk, J.W.; Tadros, M. The utility of single operator cholangioscope (Spyglass) to diagnose and treat radiographically negative biliary stones: A case series and review. J. Dig. Dis. 2019, 20, 262–266.
McCarty TR, Gulati R, Rustagi T. Efficacy and safety of peroral cholangioscopy with intraductal lithotripsy for difficult biliary stones: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endoscopy. 2021;53:110-22.
Buxbaum J, Sahakian A, Ko C, Jayaram P, Lane C, Yu CY, et al. Randomized trial of cholangioscopy-guided laser lithotripsy versus conventional therapy for large bile duct stones (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc. 2018;87:1050-60.
Angsuwatcharakon P, Kulpatcharapong S, Ridtitid W, Boonmee C, Piyachaturawat P, Kongkam P, et al. Digital cholangioscopy-guided laser versus mechanical lithotripsy for large bile duct stone removal after failed papillary large-balloon dilation: a randomized study. Endoscopy. 2019;51:1066-73.
Bang JY, Sutton B, Navaneethan U, Hawes R, Varadarajulu S. Efficacy of single-operator cholangioscopy-guided lithotripsy compared with large balloon sphincteroplasty in management of difficult bile duct stones in a randomized trial. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18:2349-56.e3.
Maydeo, A.P.; Rerknimitr, R.; Lau, J.Y.; Aljebreen, A.; Niaz, S.K.; Itoi, T.; Ang, T.L.; Reichenberger, J.; Seo, D.W.; Ramchandani, M.K.; et al. Cholangioscopy-guided lithotripsy for difficult bile duct stone clearance in a single session of ERCP: Results from a large multinational registry demonstrate high success rates. Endoscopy 2019, 51, 922–929.
Barakat MT, Girotra M, Choudhary A, Huang RJ, Sethi S, Banerjee S. A prospective evaluation of radiation-free direct solitary cholangioscopy for the management of choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2018;87:584-9.e1.
Seo, D.W.; Lee, S.K.; Yoo, K.S.; Kang, G.H.; Kim, M.H.; Suh, D.J.; Min, Y.I. Cholangioscopic findings in bile duct tumors. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2000, 52, 630–634.
Sun, X.; Zhou, Z.; Tian, J.; Wang, Z.; Huang, Q.; Fan, K.; Mao, Y.; Sun, G.; Yang, Y. Is single-operator peroral cholangioscopy a useful tool for the diagnosis of indeterminate biliary lesion? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2015, 82, 79–87. [CrossRef]
Navaneethan, U.; Hasan, M.K.; Lourdusamy, V Njei, B.; Varadarajulu, S.; Hawes, R.H. Single-operator cholangioscopy and targeted biopsies in the diagnosis of indeterminate biliary strictures: A systematic review. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2015, 82, 608–614 e2.
Ogawa, T.; Ito, K.; Koshita, S.; Kanno, Y.; Masu, K.; Kusunose, H.; Sakai, T.; Murabayashi, T.; Hasegawa, S.; Noda, Y. Usefulness of cholangioscopic-guided mapping biopsy using SpyGlass DS for preoperative evaluation of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: A pilot study. Endosc. Int. Open 2018, 6, E199–E204.
Dolak W, Schreiber F, Schwaighofer H, Gschwantler M, Plieschnegger W, Ziachehabi A, et al. Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation for malignant biliary obstruction: a nationwide retrospective study of 84 consecutive applications. Surg Endosc. 2014;28:854-60.
Strand DS, Cosgrove ND, Patrie JT, Cox DG, Bauer TW, Adams RB, et al. ERCP-directed radiofrequency ablation and photodynamic therapy are associated with comparable survival in the treatment of unresectable cholangiocarcinoma. Gastrointest Endosc. 2014;80:794-804.
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Ogura T, Onda S, Sano T, Takagi W, Okuda A, Miyano A, et al. Evaluation of the safety of endoscopic radiofrequency ablation for malignant biliary stricture using a digital peroral cholangioscope (with videos). Dig Endosc. 2017;29:712-7.
Choi HJ, Moon JH, Ko BM, Min SK, Song AR, Lee TH, et al. Clinical feasibility of direct peroral cholangioscopy-guided photodynamic therapy for inoperable cholangiocarcinoma performed by using an ultra-slim upper endoscope (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73:808-13.
Bokemeyer A, Gross D, Brückner M, Nowacki T, Bettenworth D, Schmidt H, et al. Digital single-operator cholangioscopy: a useful tool for selective guidewire placements across complex biliary strictures. Surg Endosc. 2019;33:731-7.
El Hajj, B.B., II.; Wani, S.; Fukami, N.; Attwell, A.R.; Shah, R.J. Role of per-oral pancreatoscopy in the evaluation of suspected pancreatic duct neoplasia: A 13-year U.S. single-center experience. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2017, 85, 737–745.
Attwell, A.R.; Patel, S.; Kahaleh, M.; Raijman, I.L.; Yen, R.; Shah, R.J. ERCP with per-oral pancreatoscopy-guided laser lithotripsy for calcific chronic pancreatitis: a multicenter U.S. experience. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2015, 82, 311–318.
Attwell, A.R.; Patel, S.; Kahaleh, M.; Raijman, I.L.; Yen, R.; Shah, R.J. ERCP with per-oral pancreatoscopy-guided laser lithotripsy for calcific chronic pancreatitis: a multicenter U.S. experience. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2015, 82, 311–318.
Franzini, T.; Sagae, V.M.T.; Guedes, H.G.; Sakai, P.; Waisberg, D.R.; Andraus, W.; D’Albuquerque, L.A.C.; Sethi, A.; de Moura, E.G.H. Cholangioscopy-guided steroid injection for refractory post liver transplant anastomotic strictures: A rescue case series. Ther. Adv. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2019, 12, 2631774519867786.
Rainer, F.; Blesl, A.; Spindelboeck, W.; Schemmer, P.; Fickert, P.; Schreiber, F. A novel way to avoid reoperation for biliary strictures after liver transplantation: Cholangioscopy-assisted guidewire placement. Endoscopy 2019, 51, E314–E316.
Bergquist, A.; von Seth, E. Epidemiology of cholangiocarcinoma. Best Pract. Res. Clin. Gastroenterol. 2015, 29, 221–232.
Sandha, G.; D’Souza, P.; Halloran, B.; Montano-Loza, A.J. A Cholangioscopy-Based Novel Classification System for the Phenotypic Stratification of Dominant Bile Duct Strictures in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis-the Edmonton Classification. J. Can. Assoc. Gastroenterol. 2018, 1, 174–180.
Sum Foong, K.; Lee, A.; Kudakachira, S.; Ramberan, H. Hemobilia from Biliary Angiodysplasia Diagnosed with Cholangioscopy. ACG Case Rep. J. 2016, 3, e132.
Zhang, L.; Craig, P.I. A case of hemobilia secondary to cancer of the gallbladder confirmed by cholangioscopy and treated with a fully covered self-expanding metal stent. VideoGIE 2018, 3, 381–383.