Dogmatic-legal criteria for determining the responsibility of the accused for the crime of reception

Keywords: reception crime, due process, criminal responsibility


The dogmatic-legal criteria for the determination of the responsibility of the accused for the crime of reception typified in article 202 of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code of Ecuador are analyzed, in order to establish if in practice these elements are correctly valued from the accreditation of the crimes of theft, robbery or cattle rustling that are essential to prove their existence. The research is based on a documentary review supported by the inductive-deductive method. The results warn that the element that founds the criminal responsibility of the accused is only the testimony of the victim rendered within the cause of reception, without prior determination of the existence of the aforementioned crimes, which in many cases, are in the investigation phase. It is concluded that, in determining criminal liability, judges must prove compliance with the extremes required by criminal legal dogmatics and ensure that the right to due process and defense of all parties has been respected. Given this, it is proposed that a legal mechanism be implemented that prevents the conviction of the defendant by reception until the existence of the crimes of theft, robbery or cattle rustling is proven.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Zambrano, R. J., & Pérez Cobo, G. (2023). Dogmatic-legal criteria for determining the responsibility of the accused for the crime of reception. Frónesis, 30(1), 56-77. Retrieved from