Aproximaciones onto-axiológicas para la comprensión del pensamiento del docente en condición de inmigrante digital
Onto-axiological approaches for understanding the thinking of teacher in the condition of digital immigrant
Being an immigrant implies cohabiting in a space where one is not from, which can be physical, by being born in a distinct place from the one inhabited, or cognitive, by harboring different positions from one's own. In this scenario, immigrant teachers find themselves in a digital world, a product of the changes brought about by the technological paradigm. When exploring inside classrooms, those who are willing to align their practice with technology emerge, but also, others coexist for whom its incorporation is vetoed and deny the possibility of mediation with these resources. This duality has its genesis in experiences, conceptions and attitudes which are the bases that support thought. This essay, as part of an ongoing research, aimed to provide a set of premises related to the thinking of the teacher in the condition of digital immigrant in order to know some of its causes and contribute lights from the onto-axiological perspective for its understanding. It is based on the postulates of Mark Presnky (2010) who coined the term digital immigrant from a temporal-generational dimension. The methodology was approached from a qualitative documentary perspective, based on a review of information, the technique used is content analysis. Finally, it is revealed that the prevailing thought is a conditioning factor for the acceptance of new times and its understanding provides elements that facilitate the migration from an analog to a digital world.
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