Educación cuántica como elemento potenciador del aula invertida en instituciones de educación universitaria
Quantum education as an enhancing element of the flipped classroom in university education institutions
In the quantum world there are all the possible realities that can be imagined as represented by the paradox of Schrödinger's cat, but only one of them will materialize as an educational act; That is, the observer, in this particular, the teacher, will be decisive in the reality that will be found in front of the classroom. The objective of the research was to correlate quantum education as an enhancing element of the flipped classroom in university education institutions. It was based on the theoretical contributions of Lozano et al (2023), Martín and Martín (2020), Martos (2018). The methodology was classified as quantitative-positivist with correlational type. Its design was non-experimental, field-based and transactional. The population was categorized through a census with a total of 18 information units, classified into authorities that have the power to make decisions about educational changes in the University Education Institutions in Maracaibo, Zulia state. Two questionnaires were developed, one for Quantum Education with 83% reliability and another for Flipped Classroom with 81% reliability. As a result, the correlation was 0,59 which suggests that both variables are closely related. No conclusive elements were evident due to the lack of permanent training of the teaching core in methodologies that point to technological aspects as a tool to support teaching work.
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