Neuroeducación: crítica a los reduccionismos monistas y dualistas en la neurocultura del siglo XXI

Neuroeducation: criticism of monistic and dualistic reductionisms in the neuroculture of the 21st century

Keywords: Neuroeducation, reductionism, neuroculture, monism, dualism


Neuroeducation is presented as an extension of pedagogical sciences supported by advances in neuroscience. The purpose of this essay, applying critical reflection as a method of inquiry, was to review some scientific theories as axiomatized theoretical bodies to account for the mechanisms underlying neurodynamically mediated teaching and learning processes. Today, Neuroeducation has assumed principles and theories of neuroscience in order to explain the brain-learning link without prejudice to practicing theoretical reductionisms from the organic-biological to the complexity of pedagogical practice. These traditional monist and dualist reductionisms in the body-mind debate are scrutinized with a critical stance, to dialectically contrast reductionist epistemologies of a monist type, with neurophysiological and physical dualisms, functionalist positions and emergentism. It is found that the emergentist epistemological position in the sense of Searle (1984, 1997, 2004, 2008, 2015), seems to correct the shortcomings of traditional ontological monisms and dualisms in the debate, to, from his Biological Naturalism, incorporate the constructs of micro and macro processes, which avoid reducing mental processes to neurophysiological ones, identifying and delimiting structures and properties that are specific to each level referred to and from which a quality of our human biology emerges, in this case, the mind and consciousness.


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How to Cite
Barbero Díaz, R. (2023). Neuroeducación: crítica a los reduccionismos monistas y dualistas en la neurocultura del siglo XXI: Neuroeducation: criticism of monistic and dualistic reductionisms in the neuroculture of the 21st century. Encuentro Educacional, 30(2), 514-525.