Mining, ethics and social progress
Minería, ética y progreso social
Mining exploits an economic boom that is gradually fading and transforming into a generalized impoverishment process, turning areas that were apparently prosperous during exploitation into deeply depressed regions, plagued by social ills and where ephemeral wealth disappears. In the present work it is tried to establish the connection between mining exploitation, ethics and social progress, taking as starting point the relationships that exist between these forms of extraction with the environment, human health and how much living being exists in the environment where extractive processes are carried out. An attempt is made to review the ethical responsibilities on the State and organized communities vis-à-vis mining operations and the damage that they cause to the environment. In this research, a reflective and interpretative method was used from the study of the works of relevant authors in the field of knowledge that interrelate mining activity, ethics and social progress. Among them are the works of Galeano (2000) and Uslar (1990); the contributions of Aldunate (2001), Diamond (2006), Brailovsky (2009) and Latchinian (2016). From the last three decades of the 20th century in Latin America, an environmental movement has developed that has deeply questioned mining operatios, as alternatives for achieving sustainable development, where have made contributions authors such as Cesarman (1976), Aguilera (1980), Mires (1982), Ovalles (1983), Vidart (1986), Barra (1986), Alvárez (1993) and Boff (1999). It concluded that communities such as Cajamarca in Peru an Cajamarca in Colombia have live similar experiences, where the voice of the citizen and of the communities have suffered the attaks of a mistaken conception of what is the common good, an argument generally used by national, regional and local government, as justice is run over by the law.
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