Subcutaneous angiomyolipoma in a bichon frise dog. Clinical case

  • Saber Beghoul Constantine 1 – Frères Mentouri University, Institute of Veterinary Sciences, Research Laboratory PADESCA. Constantine, Algeria
  • Amir Mansour Constantine 1 – Frères Mentouri University, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction, Institute of Veterinary Sciences, Algeria
  • Samir Djemai Constantine 1 – Frères Mentouri University, Institute of Veterinary Sciences, Research Laboratory PADESCA. Constantine, Algeria
Keywords: Angiomyolipoma, radiographic examination, histological examination, neoplasia, surgery


Angiomyolipoma located on the caudal part of the abdominal wall was reported in a 15–year–old femal bichon frise dog weighing 17 kg. A radiographic examination was performed followed by a histological examination of the mass, which revealed a benign encapsulated mesenchymal proliferation composed of three compartments: vascular, smooth muscle and adipose. The predominant adipose component is made of large lobules of mature adipocytes. A blood chemistry profile was performed revealing an increase in the activity of liver enzymes: Gammaglutamyl transferase (12.90 IU·l-1), Aspartate aminotransferase (70.1 IU·l-1), Alkaline phosphatase (403 IU·l-1); total, direct and indirect hyperbilirubinemia were also noted (6.71 mg·l-1, 1.54 mg·l-1, 5.17 mg·l-1 respectively). The management of angiomyolipoma requires surgery which consists of the removal of the neoplasia mass to prevent local progression. This clinical case is considered as the first case of angiomyolipoma reported in canine veterinary medicine in Algeria.


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How to Cite
Beghoul S, Mansour A, Djemai S. Subcutaneous angiomyolipoma in a bichon frise dog. Clinical case. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2024Jun.28 [cited 2025Jan.8];34(2):5. Available from:
Veterinary Medicine - Case Report