Incidental findings at necropsy of hypoplasia of two lung lobes in the left lung of a cat

  • Edison Adrián Ramírez–Piñaloza Universidad Técnica de Machala, Programa de maestría en Medicina Veterinaria. Machala, El Oro, Ecuador
  • Ana Elizabeth Guerrero–Lopez Universidad Técnica de Machala, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Machala, El Oro, Ecuador
  • Lorena Elizabeth Chalco–Torres Universidad Técnica de Machala, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Machala, El Oro, Ecuador
  • Estrella Marely Buele–Duarte Universidad Técnica de Machala, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Machala, El Oro, Ecuador
  • Jhonny Edgar Pérez–Rodríguez Universidad Técnica de Machala, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Machala, El Oro, Ecuador
  • Robert Gustavo Sánchez–Prado Universidad Técnica de Machala, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Machala, El Oro, Ecuador - Universidad Federal de Pará, Programa de Posgraduación en Salud Animal de la Amazonia. Castañal, Pará, Brasil
Keywords: Pulmonary hypoplasia, hydrothorax, atelectasis, feline leukemia


Pulmonary hypoplasia (PH) is an anatomical condition characterized by underdevelopment of lung tissue, respiratory passages, and pulmonary blood vessels. It can be primary or secondary, with the latter being associated, at times, with insufficient thoracic space. PH can manifest unilaterally or bilaterally, affecting the production of pulmonary surfactant and resulting in alveolar collapse. Although rare in human neonates, PH has also been observed in animals, including felines. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV), a Gammaretrovirus, is associated with various pathologies in cats, including respiratory difficulty and pleural effusion. A domestic feline presenting severe respiratory symptoms and pleural effusion tested positive for FeLV. Echocardiography, thoracentesis, and subsequent necropsy were performed. Tissues were fixed and histopathologically analyzed. Necropsy revealed serosanguineous effusion in the left hemithorax. The left lung showed alterations in its architecture and reduction of the cranial and middle lobes. The heart exhibited changes in cardiac silhouette and ventricular thickening. Histopathological analysis identified changes in lung parenchyma, alveolar atelectasis, and bronchi. The pulmonary hypoplasia of the cranial and middle lobes of the left lung in this case is an incidental finding in the necropsy of a feline. Reduction of the VA/Q ratio could have caused dyspnea. Smooth muscle hyperplasia of vessels suggests pulmonary hypertension, related to severe complications observed in similar cases. Pleural effusion, common in FeLV–infected cats, was consistent with previous studies. This case report highlights the first documentation of an incidental finding of cranial and middle lobe pulmonary hypoplasia in a feline with FeLV, demonstrating the anatomical and pathophysiological impacts of this condition.


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How to Cite
Ramírez–Piñaloza EA, Guerrero–Lopez AE, Chalco–Torres LE, Buele–Duarte EM, Pérez–Rodríguez JE, Sánchez–Prado RG. Incidental findings at necropsy of hypoplasia of two lung lobes in the left lung of a cat. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2024Jun.25 [cited 2024Nov.20];34(2):5. Available from:
Veterinary Medicine - Case Report