Effect of the fermentative product of Kefir Tibicos as natural acidifier supplied in the drinking water of broilers Cobb 500
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the fermentative product of kefir tibicos supplied as an acidifier in the water during all stages to improve the productive parameters at 42 days in Cobb 500 chickens. Kefir is a natural acidifier that provides nutritional properties in animals but their benefits are little known in the region. The study was carried out in the Talu Integral Agricultural Farm located in the Canuto Parish, Manabí – Ecuador, it consisted of 96 chickens of the Cobb 500 line. The experiment was arranged as complete randomized block design a completely randomized block design, and was distributed in four treatments (T) with four repetitions, each one with 6 chickens, named as follows: T0 (control), T1, T2 and T3; administering 0, 5, 10 and 15 milliliters (mL) of warm kefir, respectively; The Kefir tibicos were given in the drinking water in the doses established according to the experimental design from day 0 to day 42; the variables evaluated were food consumption, where the T2 obtained better results; in the same way the T2 achieved better weight gain; while for feed conversion the results of the analysis of variance presented significant differences (P<0.05) being T2 who had optimal results.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Leidy Gabriela Galarza-Heredia, Freddy Alain Mendoza-Rivadeneira, Johnny Xavier Barcia-Anchundia
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