Dry keratoconjunctivitis and its relationship with age group, intraocular pressure and blood glucose in brachiocephalic dogs, Ecuador
Dry keratoconjunctivitis (DKC) is an inflammatory disease that affects the cornea and conjunctiva, generating ocular signs such as dryness of the cornea, ulcerations, pigmentation, vascularization and a quantitative decrease in the significant amount of tear production that is secreted by the lacrimal glands. tarsal and ciliary apocrine. The objective of this research was to determine the incidence of DKC with the quantitative diagnostic method "Schirmer's test", and relate it to age group, eye pressure and blood glucose. In the methodology used, an ophthalmological clinical assessment was carried out on brachiocephalic dogs from the City of Machala (Ecuador), apparently healthy, taking into account sex and age. Three study groups were made from 6 months to 2 years of age (YO) from 2.5 to 5 YO and older than 6 YO. For the diagnosis of DKC, the commercial "Schirmer's test" strip of absorbent paper was used. The incidence of DKC in brachiocephalic dogs was 27.3%, with 40% of them aged between 2.5 and 5 YO, with no statistical relationship. A third of the animals (33.3%) presented high intraocular pressure unrelated to the presence of DKC in the affected age group. The high incidence of DKC leads to implement preventive ophthalmological examinations in veterinary clinics for brachiocephalic patients, since they have a certain predisposition due to their anatomy to suffer from the pathology.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mayra Sánchez-Ordoñez, Fernando Aguilar-Gálvez , Dioselina Pimbosa-Ortiz , Ana Guerrero-López, Robert Sánchez-Prado
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.