Homeopathic treatments efficacy against gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle from the Ecuadorian low tropics
In order to evaluate the homeopathic treatments efficacy in gastrointestinal nematodosis control in cattle, through the reduction percentage (%RE) of eggs per gram of feces (EPG), an investigation was carried out with 60 crossbred animals, adjusted according to their age and distributed in five treatments (T), three with homeopathic remedies (Arsenicum album, Artemisa cina and Sulphur), an allopathic group (Fenbendazole 10%) and another control, being administered orally to a dose of 10 mL·animal-1·day-1, the homeopathic groups were given the corresponding remedy and the control group distilled water for five consecutive days, the allopathic group was given a single dose of 5 mg·kg-1. Efficacy was calculated through %RE, compared to control group. Results showed that the allopathic T obtained a %RE of 88.5% in fourth week, but with a decrease since the seventh to ninth week with 42.68% and 5.32%, respectively. In homeopathic remedies, A. cina showed a 93.62% reduction in ninth week; sulphur with 84.57% and A. album, showed a 49.96% %RE. Homeopathic remedies such as A. cina and sulphur showed efficacy against gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle, being an alternative to allopathic T as Fenbendazole 10%, due to its higher RE% throughout the trial.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriela Pacheco-Merelo, Víctor Montes-Zambrano, Hugo Alvarado-Álvarez, Francisco Angulo-Cubillán, Carolina Fonseca-Restrepo
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