Histological Alterations Associated with the Death of a Cloned Calf in a Mexican Bullfighting Cattle Ranch
Placental abnormalities led to congenital defects, physiological alterations, and death in cloned calves. The aim of this work was to describe pathological findings in a new-born dead cloned calf and associate those with placental chorangiosis. The cloned calf was obtained from a pregnant fighting heifer by caesarean section. The new-born calf did not show vital signs despite the resuscitation manoeuvres applied. So, calf necropsy was done, and histopathological lesions were studied and analysed. Macroscopic findings such as larger placentomes than normal, scarce small caruncles, and oedematous foetal membranes were observed. The cloned calf had yellowish hooves. Internal abnormalities were small kidneys with dark capsule and renal cortex, and compact, yellowish lung parenchyma with darker areas on the pleura. The histologic study of the samples revealed placental chorangiosis with hyaline change, tri-arterial umbilical cord, pulmonary oedema, renal acute tubular necrosis, and splenic congestion. Besides, dark greenish pigmented material was noticed in pulmonary and renal tissue. The cause of the death in this cloned calf was attributed to anatomopathological and histological findings such as pulmonary oedema, splenic congestion, and renal acute tubular necrosis. All those histological lesions are associated with chronic hypoperfusion and foetal hypoxia due to placental chorangiosis (capillary hyperplasia in terminal villi) and hyaline change. The presence of bile pigments in pulmonary and renal tissue, yellowish hooves and turbid allantoic fluid are attributed to long-standing foetal suffering caused by hypoxia.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Irma Tovar-Corona, Violeta Ordóñez-Espinosa, Viridiana García-Jimenez, Rafael Ordóñez-Medina, Perla Xóchitl Cruz-Robledo
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