Bovine reproductive and productive parameters in milk production systems during times of COVID 19
In order to analyze changes in bovine reproductive and productive parameters in dairy herds because of the COVID -19 pandemic, an investigation was carried out in the Province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Costa Region, Ecuador. To collect the information, research techniques (surveys, structured interviews and group sessions) were used from 86 producers belonging to the Producers Province Association. Where the variables were studied: age at first service (EFS), age at first calving (EFC), types of service (TS), age at weaning (EW) and milk production (ML) before and during COVID-19. The data collected were compared using Chi square tests and the likelihood ratio. The PL was compared with the Student’s t-test for paired samples. The EPS, EPP and ED were not significant; but, an increase in the proportion of natural mounts (P<0.01) of 36 % was observed, to the detriment of artificial insemination. There was a decrease in ML (P<0,01) from 8.3 to 8.0 litres·cow-1. In conclusion, the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has negative consequences on milk production systems.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alejandro Orlando Solórzano-Calderón, Alfredo Andrés Benítez-Dueñas, Ernesto Antonio Hurtado, Mauro Manabí Guillen-Mendoza
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