Evaluation of oregano oil as preventive of the uterine infections embryo receptor cows
Valoración del aceite de orégano como preventivo de infecciones uterinas en vacas receptoras de embriones
The prevention and treatment of reproductive pathologies is the fundamental basis in bovine reproduction and in most species in zootechnical production. In order to provide an alternative treatment to reproductive diseases in the province of Morona Santiago, Canton Palora, Ecuador, oregano oil (AO) was evaluated as a preventive treatment of uterine infections in embryo-receiving cows. Two groups of 20 cows were studied, uterine lavage treatments (T1), and two control group (T2) were applied. All the cows will have an average postpartum 90 days, were vitaminized (A, D, E) and mineralized and the heat transition protocol for embryo transfer was performed. The initial average weight of live weight was 456.63 kilograms (kg) and the final weight of 495.5 kg, with an initial average body condition of 2.6 / 5 points (pts.) and final of 3.23 / 5 pts. In relation to the reproduction of groups T1 and T2 both exposed 100% presence of heat. The T1 group presented 90% of the functional luteal bodies vs 65% that presented the T2; the percentage of pregnant cows of T1 was 60%, vs. T2 that had 50%, the cost of pregnancy per cow was lower in the uterine lavage treatment group with 119.17 dolaras ($), because there is a higher percentage of pregnant cows vs the control group that cost $ 129.00 per pregnancy. The inclusion of OA in the uterine lavage of cows that are within the heat synchronization programs as future embryo recipients helps to prevent uterine infections by improving the productive, reproductive and economic parameters of the cattle herd.
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