Spatial distribution model of Panstrongylus geniculatus Latreille 1811 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) vector of Chagas Disease agent in Venezuela

  • Evelyn Tineo-González Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador - Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Yasmín Contreras-Peña Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador - Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Matías Reyes-Lugo Sección de entomología médica “Pablo Anduze”, Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Central de Venezuela - Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Antonio Morocoima Centro de Medicina Tropical de Oriente, Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo Anzoátegui - Barcelona, Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
  • Leidi Herrera Laboratorio de Biología de Vectores y Parásitos, Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela - Caracas, Venezuela.
Keywords: DIVA GIS, MAXENT, Panstrongylus geniculatus, Trypanosoma cruzi, risk areas


Panstrongylus geniculatus is a triatomine vector of Trypanosoma cruzi, an etiological agent of Chagas disease, typical of biological corridors between urban and peri-urban transmission cycles in Venezuela. Ecological niche and potential species distribution models allow to know the relationship between climatic factors and the actual presence of species. The potential geographical distribution model for P. geniculatus, generated by MAXENT showed areas with bioclimatic conditions close to their ecological niche; thus, it defined a wide potential distribution with emphasis on the Northern coastal zone of Venezuela (Lara, Yaracuy, Carabobo, Aragua, Miranda, Capital District, Vargas, Monagas and Sucre States) with medium to very high probabilities (0.56 - 1). It, also predicted areas with suitability conditions in Western and Eastern States even though actual records are scarce. The isothermality and  maximum temperature of  the  hottest month, contributed 43.4 % to the model; variables related to precipitation contributed 56.6 %. This coincides with the fact that triatomines are thermo- tolerant and are distributed according to temperature, which also conditions the number of infected triatomines. The ideal geographic areas of the country would constitute risk areas for triatomine infestation and the transmission of T. cruzi, coinciding with the area with the highest density of the human population, which would consider fine-tuning strategies for entomological surveillance and epidemiological control.


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How to Cite
Tineo-González E, Contreras-Peña Y, Reyes-Lugo M, Morocoima A, Herrera L. Spatial distribution model of Panstrongylus geniculatus Latreille 1811 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) vector of Chagas Disease agent in Venezuela. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2021Jun.11 [cited 2024Nov.8];31(1):7 - 15. Available from:
Veterinary Public Health