Typification of dual purpose livestock systems, from the perspective of location in average costs

Tipificación de sistemas ganaderos doble propósito, desde la perspectiva de ubicación en costos medios

  • Humberto Segundo Morales-Hernández Universidad del Zulia
  • Yulana Chiquinquirá Maldonado-Rodríguez Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Cattle dual purpose farm, production costs, economy of scale


In the Venezuelan primary livestock sector efforts have been made to encourage production at a lower cost. However, this information is not regularly available in the production unit (UP) and, consequently, there is very little useful analysis for the management of the livestock company and to reach better levels of competitiveness, considering the economy of scale. In this sense, this research was carried out, with the objective of classifying the UP according to their location in the average cost curve, from the scale economy approach. For this a questionnaire was applied to a sample of unrestricted random type of 54 UP of Municipalities: Cañada of Urdaneta, Machiques and Rosario of Perijá, Zulia State - Venezuela. It was proceeded to classify the UP indicators, using descriptive statistics. Likewise, it was determined that the majority of farms (70%) were in the lowest level of production and in the area of economies of scale given their low unit costs. It was 13 highly differentiated UP groups that obey the combination of production factors and inputs used, with difference between indicators of incidence on costs. The principle of economy of scale, allows to make inferences and estimates corresponding to more efficient management of UP in DP livestock systems, allowing to calculate optimum production volume, optimal size and lower unit cost, which should be used as a model or desired production.


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How to Cite
Morales-Hernández HS, Maldonado-Rodríguez YC. Typification of dual purpose livestock systems, from the perspective of location in average costs: Tipificación de sistemas ganaderos doble propósito, desde la perspectiva de ubicación en costos medios. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2021May18 [cited 2024Oct.19];30(4):192-7. Available from: https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cientifica/article/view/35978
Animal Production