Effect of chili flour (Capsicumm Annuum Var. Bremisculum) on the productive indices of chickens

Efecto de la harina de ají (Capsicumm Annuum Var. Bremisculum) sobre los índices productivos de pollos

  • Fabián Astudillo-Riera Universidad de Cuenca
  • Kevin Astudillo-Vallejo Universidad de Cuenca
  • José Miranda-Yuquilema Universidad de Cuenca
  • Ana Pérez-Pintado Universidad de Cuenca
Keywords: Food additives, weight gain, mortality, organ weights


The objective of the study was to evaluate the productive behavior of Cobb 500 chicks in stage 1-21 days (d) of age in the Andean conditions of Ecuador. A total of 315 one-d-old chickens were used, distributed in three groups of 105 animals each: T1, Control (basal diet without additive); T2, basal diet plus 10 parts per millions (ppm) of chili pepper (Capsicumm annuum var. Bremisculum) and T3, basal diet plus 50 ppm of chili. A completely randomized design was used where the degree of acceptability, weight gain (WG), mean daily gain (MDG), feed conversion (FC), occurrence of diarrhea, mortality and relative weight of lymphoid organs were evaluated. The degree of acceptability was higher (P<0.05) in the T3 treatment animals; WG, MDG and FC (P>0.05) did not vary between treatments; the occurrence of diarrhea was lower (P<0.05) in group T3, in this same treatment (T3) there was no mortality; the size of the thymus and Fabricio’s bag was larger (P<0.05) in those treated with chili, of these T3 had better performance. It was concluded that the use of Chili flour in chickens 1-21 d of age does not improve WG or FC. The relative weight of the thymus, spleen and Fabricio’s bursa did not vary between treatments, while the size of the thymus and Fabricio’s bursa was better in treatment T3. Likewise, it is possible to reduce diarrheal disorders and mortality.


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How to Cite
Astudillo-Riera F, Astudillo-Vallejo K, Miranda-Yuquilema J, Pérez-Pintado A. Effect of chili flour (Capsicumm Annuum Var. Bremisculum) on the productive indices of chickens: Efecto de la harina de ají (Capsicumm Annuum Var. Bremisculum) sobre los índices productivos de pollos. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2021Apr.23 [cited 2024Sep.27];30(3):110-6. Available from: https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cientifica/article/view/35742
Animal Production