Teacheing, educational practice and curriculer changel. A complex and challenging whole

  • Clara Araque Suárez Universidad de Pamplona. Departamentos de Educación y Comunicación Social.
Keywords: Teaching,, practice,, education and curriculum.


The changes in the education of organizational, epistemological, curricular, didactic and pedagogical character, propose for the teacher to intervene, participate consciously and critically in the integral formation of the students. Innovations challenge the modification of routines and traditional teaching, learning and evaluation models. To develop the research, it was proposed to analyze how the teacher, the educational practice and the curricular changes can work together to respond proactively to the complexity and challenges of contemporary education, through a documentary study. This led to recognition of the importance of professional updating, forecasting, execution of actions and motivating processes, generators of meaningful learning and construction of knowledge, accompanied by the renewal of curricular designs, in correspondence with the competencies for both teachers and students. A competent teacher, that is, a teacher of free citizens, with values, creative and prepared to exercise the risk of being forgers of their history, is historically recognized.      


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Author Biography

Clara Araque Suárez, Universidad de Pamplona. Departamentos de Educación y Comunicación Social.

Magister en Educación. Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira. Docente  Universidad de Pamplona departamentos de Educación y Comunicación Social. Celular 3137827990.


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How to Cite
Araque Suárez, C. (2023). Teacheing, educational practice and curriculer changel. A complex and challenging whole. Omnia, 26(2), 11-29. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/omnia/article/view/40175