Creencias de Estudiantes, Docentes y Egresados Universitarios

Beliefs of students, teachers, and university graduats

Keywords: Belief, student, teacher, graduate, cognitive


The Teaching-Learning process that is related to Mathematics Education, where the beliefs that students have, teachers and graduates for teachers in the area of mathematics, is key to a situation raised. The objective of this research is to investigate the beliefs of students, teachers and graduates of Mathematics Education. It is a qualitative study, since it seeks to analyze, identify, characterize and describe the beliefs held by students, teachers and graduates. The methodology used is a case study, since a population of 10 students, 10 teachers and 10 graduates is chosen. The theoretical framework takes a tour of different authors, based on the cognitive, affective and behavioral of the mathematical education community. Finally it is concluded that in the beliefs towards the learning of the mathematics of the students, the three components of the attitude are present: cognitive, affective and behavioral.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Chirinos, R., & Escalona Fuenmayor, M. (2023). Creencias de Estudiantes, Docentes y Egresados Universitarios: Beliefs of students, teachers, and university graduats. Omnia, 26(1), 54-68. Retrieved from