Information For Authors
I. Instructions for authors of articles
1) Gaceta Laboral: is an arbitrated scientific publication published quarterly, which specializes in social work and social policy. The purpose of the publication is to stimulate and publish scientific publications written in any language, but preferibly in Spanish or English, from any analytical perspective, and promotes no particular orientation or school of thought.
The publication only considers un-edited papers, which have not been simultaneously offered to other journals, for publication.
Gaceta Laboral does not accept responsibility for opinions emitted by the authors.
The following texts are acceptable for publication:
a. Research reviews: Paper that present detailed information on original research results. Articles to be published should be structured in the following manner: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
b. Essays: Documents refering to the product of original research from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective, in relation to a specific theme and based on original sources.
c. Reviews: Articles that result from published or unpublished research which has been analyzed, systematized or integrated, in order to offer research advances and tendencies. The articles normally present carefully organized and lengthy bibliographical reviews.
d. Provisional publications: The presentation of partial or recent advances in ongoing research.
e. Thesis versions: Published or unpublished documents, such as partial versions of unedited research projects or programs.
f. Case reports: The presentation of a study of a particular situation for the purpose of relating experiences to be considered. This includes systematic commentated reviews from literature in relation to analogous situations.
g. Informative reports: The presentation or analysis of: conferences, research results, short essays, reports on events, proposed laws, or corporative studies and reviews. This informative material is evaluated by the Editorial Committee or Advisor and forms part of the Informative Section.
h. Bibliographical reviews: Non-arbitrated comments on specialized books and journals, published in the Informative Section.
2) The Norms for the presentation of articles:
2.1. Cover Page: This should include: a) the title in Spanish and English; b) the names of the autor(s) including the highest academic degree obtained, work address, home address, tele-fax and Email addresses; c) a maximum 250 word abstract in English and in Spanish, which should include the objectives of the study, the methodology, the results and relevant conclusions; and d) Key words in both English and Spanish (maximum 5 words) in order to facilitate bibliographical indexation and classification.
2.2. The main body of the paper: This should be divided into introduction, development and conclusions. The paper should not exceed twenty-five (25) pages including notes, tables, graphs, illustrations and bibliography. Manuscripts should not contain photographs or any types of images.
2.3. Bibliographical references: Commentaries and foot notes should only be used in order to introduce an additional explanation, and should be numbered consecutively and single spaced. References to published sources such as printed and electronic (internet) sources should be included in the body of the text using the Harvard system, by writing in parenthesis the last names of the authors, followed by a comma and the year, ex. (Mesa-Lago, 2003). When the quote is direct, the page number should also be included after the date, separated by a colon, ex. (Mesa-Lago, 2003: 45-46). If there are various articles by the same autor in the same year, they should be ordered chronologically, and differentiated by small letters, ex: (Mesa-Lago, 2003a) and (Mesa-Lago, 2003b). Direct quotations of texts over five (5) lines should be included in a separate paragraph single-spaced with doubleindented margins. These quotations do not necessarily need quotation marks. Quotations and references to personal communications (letters, official communications, and email messages), oral
expositions (conferences, public declarations, etc.) and personal oral communications (conversations and interviews) should be presented according to the same rules and norms.
2.4. Bibliographical References: Bibliographical references should be placed at the end of the text in alphabetical and chronological order, including only what has been quoted directly. In cases where there are several texts by the same author(s), the references should be ordered by publication year, placing the earliest quotation first. If two (2) or more texts from the same autor(s) have the same year of publication, place the earlier publication first. If two or more articles from the same author(s) appear in the same year, an alphabetical code should be added (a, b. c…) and the articles ordered in the following manner, for example: 1995a, 1995b, 1995c, etc. The bibliography should ordered in the following manner:
- Books:
LAST NAME, First name (year). Title. Place of publication, Publisher or Editorial.
VILLASMIL PRIETO, Humberto (2001). Estudios de Derecho del Trabajo. Caracas. Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
- Books with an Coordinator or Compiler:
LAST NAME(S), First name (Year). “Title of Chapter”. In: LASTNAME, Name of coordinator(s). Title. City or place where edited. Printer. Pages of the book where the chapter appears.
JAIME MARTÍNEZ, Héctor (1999). “Título I Normas Fundamentales”. En: HERNÁNDEZ A., Oscar (Coordinador). Comentarios a la Ley Orgánica del Trabajo. Barquisimeto. Tipografía Horizonte. Pp. 9-63.
- Article in Journal:
LAST NAME(S), Name (Year). “Title of Article”. In: Name of the Publication, City or place where edited: Editor or printer, Volume, Number, pages.
BERNARDONI DE GOVEA, María (2003). “La contratación colectiva de trabajo. Dificultades y expectativas”. En: Gaceta Laboral. Maracaibo. Universidad del Zulia. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Laborales y Disciplinas Afines. Ediciones Astro Data. Vol. 9, No. 1. Pp. 42-63.
- Presentations:
LAST NAME(S), First name(s) (Year). “Title”. Name of Event. Place. Date.
HERNÁNDEZ G., Nelexys (2004). “Retos laborales frente a la globalización”. XV Congreso Nacional de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. 17 al 19 de Noviembre de 2004.
- Unpublished documents:
LAST NAME(S), First Name(s) (Year). Title of document. Unpublished document. Institution where document was found. City. Country.
HERNÁNDEZ G., Nelexys (2005). Modificación in peius de las condiciones de trabajo. Trabajo no publicado. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Laborales y Disciplinas Afines. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
- Electronic sources:
LAST NAME(S), First name(s) (of autor if known). (Year). Title. Web site, day, month and year when consulted.
BARREIRO, Raquel (2004). Venezuela con la Inflación más alta en América. En: Fecha de Consulta: 26/08/2004.
3) Editorial recommendations:
3.1. Publication requests or proposals should go directly the Editorial Board together with a letter addressed to the same and a brief curriculum vitae of the author(s).
3.2. Papers the Editorial Board esteem to be appropriate for publication, and which fulfill all of the requirements, will be subjected to arbitration by specialists in the corresponding thematic area of the journal. For example, studies on labor and social policy will be submitted to evaluation by experts in this area according to the Evaluation Format and instructions for authors in Gazeta Laboral. Articles which do not comply with all the requirements will be returned and not sent to arbitration. Original copies will not be returned. Each paper will be judged by two or three different and independent reviewers unknown to each other.
3.3. The Editorial Board is authorized to modify the format of manuscripts, once they have been approved in arbitration by specialized experts. The author accepts inclusion of his creation in indexes, data bases and web links, either free or by subscription.
3.4. The same author(s) will not be allowed to participate in consecutive numbers of the Gaceta Laboral. If an article is approved whose author finds him/herself in the situation indicated, the Editorial Council reserves the right to decide in which number of the journal the author(s) will be published, and the author(s) will be notified to that effect. 3.5. The average time lapse for notification of acceptance or not is three months.
3.5. One complete original copy, and two additional copies without the names of the authors or institution involved, along with computerized copy on a CD in Word for Windows should be sent to P.O. Box 10.432, Maracaibo, Venezuela, or by E-mail attachment to there following address: