Analysis of the effectiveness of the Joint Committee on Safety and Health at Work in private organizations from Barranquilla (Colombia) during the second half of 2020
The objective of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Joint Committee on Safety and Health at Work in ten (10) private organizations placed in Barranquilla during the second semester of 2020, to identify the shortcomings and strengthen the processes of formation, training, management, and perception in the committee members to establish opportunities for improvement. The research was developed under a mixed approach of data collection and statistical analysis. The sample included seventy-six (76) members of ten organization’s Joint Committees placed in Barranquilla, Colombia. To collect the information online surveys were applied, where the participants selected their role, demographic information and then gave answers to different questions divided by categories. The results show that there is a 71.2% of the overall effectiveness of the committees, indicating that the COPASST´s requirements have been partially implemented.
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