Trade union freedom as a fundamental value for the exercise of trade union democracy and its effectiveness in Venezuela

  • Maritza Coromoto Espinoza Baptista Universidad de Carabobo
  • Walkenia Carolina Graterol Espinoza Libre Ejercicio
Keywords: Unions, workers, freedom of association, union democracy


The investigation dealt with freedom of association, as a fundamental value to exercise the right implicit in union democracy in Venezuela, where the constitutional, legal and doctrinal context was taken into account from the national and international scope, whose general objective was framed in to determine whether in Venezuela there is the recognition of freedom of association as a fundamental value for the exercise of union democracy and its effectiveness today. Said research is of a documentary type, focused on the review, analysis and studies of texts, documents and laws, related to its object, where the meaning of union freedom and democracy was highlighted, its foundation from its beginnings and its effectiveness in practice; the design is bibliographic. It was concluded that the principles of trade union freedom and democracy are constitutionally and legally recognized in Venezuela and that the right implicit in that of self-regulation, demands at the same time the right to elect its authorities in accordance with its statutes and regulations without Any interference, which guarantees the exercise of union democracy, but its application at present is ineffective due to state intervention, which could lead to the decision of the union organizations themselves, continuing to be subject to the National Electoral Council for the convocation, organization and regulation of the election of its leaders.


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Author Biographies

Maritza Coromoto Espinoza Baptista, Universidad de Carabobo

Abogado. Doctora en Derecho. Docente de la Universidad de Carabobo

Walkenia Carolina Graterol Espinoza, Libre Ejercicio

Abogado. Magister en Derecho del Trabajo


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How to Cite
Espinoza Baptista, M. C., & Graterol Espinoza, W. C. (2021). Trade union freedom as a fundamental value for the exercise of trade union democracy and its effectiveness in Venezuela. Gaceta Laboral, 26(3), 229-253. Retrieved from