The construction of the link between Kirchner, Peronism and unionism (Argentine, 2003 – 2007)

  • Juan Bautista Lucca Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Keywords: Kirchner, peronism, trade-union, identity, values


The question about the construction of political identities challenges us to know how it emerged and what separates “We - Others”, even in terms of values, principles and ideas. From a qualitative, extensive and systematic approach focused on the content and notions of the discourse, the aim is to describe and interpret the notions and meanings shared between President Néstor Kirchner and the party and union leadership in Argentina (2003-2007) that make up a identity relative to values or axiological. The hypothesis that is held here, points out that it is easier to sustain an identity in the animosity to the values that the “other” embodies, than to fully deploy an axiological horizon of a collective and common type that determines who we are “us”, as it can be observed empirically in the present case study.


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Author Biography

Juan Bautista Lucca, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Licenciado en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Máster en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Salamanca. Diploma Superior en Pensamiento Social Latinoamericano y Caribeño por CLACSO. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por FLACSO Argentina. Investigador del Centro de Estudios Comparados de la UNR y del CONICET (Argentina). Profesor de la carrera de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la UNR


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How to Cite
Lucca, J. B. (2020). The construction of the link between Kirchner, Peronism and unionism (Argentine, 2003 – 2007). Gaceta Laboral, 26(1), 36-55. Retrieved from