Transformations of the State and Modern Constitutionalism

  • José Vicente Faria Labarca Universidad Santa María
Keywords: Transformations state, modern constitutionalism, individual state


Transformations of the State and Modern Constitutionalism, is a qualitative, documentary study, which seeks to recognize the State-individual relationship, which is relatively simple, responding to a basic bifurcation, based on the more power the State has, the less free the individual will be; or vice versa, the more rights citizens have, the less dangerous the government apparatus will be; Both views are not very inherent in constitutionalism, not constituting a universal or immutable truth. Thus, it is achieved that many modern constitutions, including those that are currently in force in Latin America, challenge this so-called classical paradigm, proposing an alternative vision, based on the possibility that state power functions as an ally of individual and collective rights, allowing this, deepening social development and individual freedom.  for which, rights are also used to limit the power of private entities, and the combined effect between state power and the rights of citizens; In this way, a positive energy emerges that allows a social transformation towards new horizons of democracy, justice and equity.


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How to Cite
Faria Labarca, J. V. (2024). Transformations of the State and Modern Constitutionalism. Frónesis, 31(2), 338-355. Retrieved from