Effective Measures of a Constitutional State of Rights for the Humane and Dignified Return of Foreign Nationals

Keywords: Human rights, human mobility, migration policy, safe return


The study contextualizes the issue of human mobility, particularly within the Ecuadorian context, with the aim of identifying effective measures to ensure a dignified and humane return of foreign nationals. Within the framework of a qualitative approach applied to the legal field, the complexity of Ecuadorian migration policy is examined using the analytical-deductive method, in line with the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, which is widely recognized for its protective character. The research findings highlight the legal implications and challenges faced by the Ecuadorian State in the application and interpretation of migration policies, with a special emphasis on the safe return of migrants. The conclusion is that Ecuador has an ethical-constitutional imperative to formulate public policies that safeguard the constitutional rights of individuals in conditions of human mobility, promoting international cooperation and the adoption of standards that ensure a safe and dignified return of migrants, compatible with international human rights standards and the principles of the constitutional state of rights and justice.


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How to Cite
Vélez Triviño, Y. M., Bravo Mendoza, M. J., & Vera Cruz, M. C. (2024). Effective Measures of a Constitutional State of Rights for the Humane and Dignified Return of Foreign Nationals. Frónesis, 31(1), 67-87. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/fronesis/article/view/42216