The rights of nature and their impact on the General Theory of Law
Since the beginning of civilization, law has developed on the basis of logical schemes built on human behaviors and convictions, therefore, it is proper for each State to adopt a constitutional model that represents the designs of the society subject to its jurisdiction. Due to the cultural influences coming from indigenous peoples, the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador has adopted a biocentric stance by recognizing nature as a subject with rights. Of course, this event generated concerns among jurists and doctrinaires due to the conceptual and normative inconsistencies that were unleashed after analyzing the normative and pragmatic scope of the rights of nature. In this article, we will present the main struggles that generated the rights of nature in the General Theory of Law and the possible direction towards their understanding. It is concluded that, despite the fact that, for many, it may be easy to affirm that the rights of nature are a utopia amidst the legal dogmas we currently know, which hinder their proper institutionalization, it must be recognized that, at present, the biocentric paradigm is being accepted by Constitutional Law in Latin America.
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