Artificial Intelligence and Law: Justice in the hands of AI?

  • Jorge Luis Farfán Intriago Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
  • Jorge Asdrúbal Farfán Largacha Juzgados y Tribunales de la República del Ecuador
  • Beatriz Farfán Largacha Juzgados y Tribunales de la República del Ecuador
  • Juan Pablo Núñez Vera Juzgados y Tribunales de la República del Ecuador
Keywords: Administration of justice, Artificial intelligence, ethical challenges, Responsibility


This article analyzes the impact of artificial intelligence on the legal system and the possibility of including AI in judicial decision-making. It is recognized that AI can improve efficiency and accuracy in legal tasks, however, there are legal and ethical challenges that must be faced such as the responsibility of these systems in case of errors or damage, the protection of privacy and personal data, algorithmic discrimination in legal decision-making, among others. From the bibliographic review, the key issues and fundamental concepts related to AI and its imbrication with the legal world were identified. A systematic analysis of the information obtained was carried out, interpreting and formulating relevant criteria with the findings of the existing literature, building arguments and explanations backed by qualitative evidence. The results obtained reveal that Artificial Intelligence can be used as a support tool in the analysis of data and legal precedents, it can also help judges in the drafting of sentences by providing information contributing to the analysis and interpretation of the information. The conclusion reports on the need to establish a legal framework that assigns responsibilities to AI developers and users, and encourages transparency and accountability in its use. It is necessary to be aware of the advantages; but also the enormous moral dilemmas implicit in the use of Artificial Intelligence in the context of the administration of justice.


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How to Cite
Farfán Intriago, J. L., Farfán Largacha, J. A., Farfán Largacha, B., & Núñez Vera, J. P. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and Law: Justice in the hands of AI?. Frónesis, 30(2), 173-197. Retrieved from