Compatibility between the protection of ecosystems and sustainable human development in Insular Ecuador: Galapagos Islands


The compatibility between the protection of ecosystems and the sustainable development of the population that occupies the insular territory of Ecuador was analyzed. The contemporary and scientific relevance of the study arises from the contrast of theoretical postulates and reality, recognizing that sustainable human development must consider the socioeconomic condition of people, taking as the basis of this dissertation the problems faced by the inhabitants of the Galapagos Islands. The documentary-bibliographic research allowed us to contrast the different currents that advocate sustainability and its consistency with the rights of Good Living. The results of the study inform about the viability of the proposals expressed in the plans of the nation that are instructed from the perspective of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations Organization, in particular, the Galapagos Plan for Sustainable Development and Territorial Planning, which contains a special regime for the inhabitants of this territory. The main conclusion is that there are unsatisfied basic human needs, which implies an awareness on the part of the State when formulating public policies that guarantee the development of people in their different areas, trying to achieve a balance with the criteria of sustainability.


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How to Cite
Vera Mendoza, C. M., & Vélez Triviño, Y. M. (2022). Compatibility between the protection of ecosystems and sustainable human development in Insular Ecuador: Galapagos Islands. Frónesis, 29(3), 234-267. Retrieved from