Influence of Bioethics in Law from the perspective of practical application

  • Yessly Anahí Castro Alcívar Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
Keywords: Bioethics, Law, principles, legislation


Bioethics and Law as disciplines that address the social life of the individual are closely related based on principles such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice, so they must be analyzed as two complementary realities, which are also limited between yes, whose interdisciplinarity must be imperatively recognized by the different laws of the States, with the intention of guaranteeing due respect and compliance with human rights. It is for this reason that this article aims to analyze the influence of Bioethics in Law from the perspective of its practical application, identifying the existence of its principles in Ecuadorian legislation. A qualitative research approach was used, making use of the bibliographic method integrating analysis and synthesis. The results obtained show that Bioethics has a clear influence on the practical exercise of Law, so its principles must be widely recognized and protected by the normative bodies and the operators of the justice administration system. In this way, it is concluded that consistency between Bioethics and Law is fundamental within every society, which is why the existence of various mechanisms is necessary to guarantee its correct materialization.


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How to Cite
Castro Alcívar, Y. A. (2022). Influence of Bioethics in Law from the perspective of practical application. Frónesis, 28(2), 117-131. Retrieved from