The Theft of effects belonging to the armed forces and the criminal law of the enemy

  • Endrina Manuela Álvarez Alvarado Abogado - Libre ejercicio


The purpose of this research is to analyze the theft of effects belonging to the armed force as a concrete expression of the criminal law of the enemy in Venezuelan legislation, in order to counteract its harmful effect, under the critical criminology approach, analyzing the established regulations. in the Organic Code of Military Justice, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The methodology used is documentary. The decisions that have arisen in the Military Criminal Jurisdiction in relation to the subject are taken into consideration. It is concluded that the crime of theft of effects belonging to the armed force manifests itself in an aggravated modality because the stolen objects, mostly war material, are sold to paramilitary or guerrilla groups on the Venezuelan borders, and there is a need to reform the Organic Code of Military Justice in relation to this crime.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Alvarado, E. M. (2022). The Theft of effects belonging to the armed forces and the criminal law of the enemy. Frónesis, 28(1), 50-68. Retrieved from