Mediate authorship by domination of the will of an Adolescent: Non-imputability or criminal responsibility?

Keywords: Mediate authorship, control of the will, adolescents, incompetence, criminal responsibility


The academic-legal reflection focuses on highlighting aspects related to mediate authorship by domain of the adolescent's will in the commission of a criminal offense contained in the current Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code, which allowed to establish a position about whether these must be declared unimputable or criminally responsible. The relevance of this research is based on the review of some theoretical-doctrinal elements in the discussion on the issue of mediate authorship and will, topics that generate important debates in the criminal field, since for a part of the doctrine the incorporation of this figure filled a legal vacuum in those cases in which the person who directly committed the crime did not act of his own free will but of a third party who, through deception, intimidation or coercion managed to make him carry out the unlawful act, while for the others, it will be necessary to verify that there was no such will by the subject carrying out the action, which requires an examination of the adolescent's capacity, as provided for in the comprehensive criminal text and the Code for Children and Adolescents. The results of this discussion lead us to the legal-philosophical field since the identification of this figure invites us to reflect on the power relationship, where the issue of the subordination of adolescents as subjects in development plays a relevant role in front of the figure of authority. The conclusion of the study is that the justice operator, before declaring the criminal responsibility of an adolescent, must estimate compliance with the extremes imposed by mediate authorship by control of the will to avoid erratic sentences that generate impunity or, on the contrary, the violation of the guilt principle.Autoría mediata


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Author Biographies

Gyomar Beatriz Pérez Cobo, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo

Doctora en Derecho.
Magíster en Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas.
Docente investigadora de la Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Manabí

Alejandra Ketzabel Fabre Aldaz, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo

Licenciada en Trabajo Social.
Estudiante-investigadora en el “Proyecto de Competencias de Investigación en Estudiantes de Educación Superior de la Carrera de Derecho por la Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo”


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How to Cite
Pérez Cobo, G. B., & Fabre Aldaz, A. K. (2022). Mediate authorship by domination of the will of an Adolescent: Non-imputability or criminal responsibility?. Frónesis, 28(1), 26-49. Retrieved from