Castniinae (lepidoptera: castniidae) from Venezuela. III: Genera represented by only one known species.

  • Jorge Gonzáles Complejo Petroquímico El Tablazo-Venezuela
Palabras clave: castniinae, castniidae, Venezuela


A list of six species belonging to genera of Castniinae (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) represented in Venezuela by only one species is presented herein. General comments on the importance and difficulties on studying the family are given. A diagnosis to help on identification and comments on each species are provided. Examined material from different Venezuelan collections are also presented.


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Cómo citar
Gonzáles, J. (1). Castniinae (lepidoptera: castniidae) from Venezuela. III: Genera represented by only one known species. Ciencia, 7(3). Recuperado a partir de