ZENDEROZ: Public transport route planner for Maracaibo (Venezuela)

  • Miguel Celedón Universidad del Zulia
  • Amerindia Aguiar Universidad del Zulia
  • Gerardo Pirela Morillo Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, Public Transport System, Automatic Route Planning, Graphs


Geographic Information Systems are now as ubiquitous as social networks or the use of the Internet. Its impact from urban planning to crisis management is undeniable. This research presents the application of GIS in commute planning with public transport routes in Maracaibo. Throughout the phases of the software development cycle, a preliminary analysis was carried out of a base tool that uses graphs to represent the road and public transport networks in Maracaibo and the Dijkstra algorithm to efficiently calculate shortest routes; a module was built for tracking and estimating arrival times of public transport units; an adaptive web interface was developed for the integration of the various functionalities; and functional tests were carried out on the resulting system. The final product complies with GIS quality standards and its performance is computationally optimal.


Author Biographies

Miguel Celedón, Universidad del Zulia

Laboratorio de Lenguajes y Modelos Computacionales. Facultad Experimental de Ciencias. Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela.

Amerindia Aguiar, Universidad del Zulia

Laboratorio de Lenguajes y Modelos Computacionales. Facultad Experimental de Ciencias. Universidad del Zulia . Venezuela.

Gerardo Pirela Morillo, Universidad del Zulia

Laboratorio de Lenguajes y Modelos Computacionales. Facultad Experimental de Ciencias. Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela


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Scientific Journal from the Experimental Faculty of Sciences, at the Universidad del Zulia Volume 27 Especial N° 1, 2, Enero - Junio 2019
How to Cite
Celedón, M., Aguiar, A., & Pirela Morillo, G. (2019). ZENDEROZ: Public transport route planner for Maracaibo (Venezuela). Ciencia, 27(1-2), 24-30. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5592980
Computer Sciencies