Physicochemical and microbial characterization of an oil pit from Zulia state, Venezuela
Oil pits are poorly designed soil excavations used to store hazardous wastes, which can leak into the environment causing serious damage to the ecosystem. They are considered a hostile environment for life due to the toxic compounds they possess, but there are microbial communities that adapt to this environment and can be used for their recovery. In this work, samples of water, sediment and oil from an oil well in the state of Zulia, Venezuela, were characterized physicochemically and microbiologically using standardized laboratory techniques. The water presented the following physicochemical characteristics: temperature: (30 ± 2)ºC, pH: 5.10-5.90, total alkalinity: 8.00 mg CaCO3 / L, Salinity: 0 UPS, BOD5.20: <0.10 mg/L, COD: 184.6-215.4 mg/L, dissolved oxygen: 8.00-8.97 mg/L, SST: 61-235 mg/L, SSV: 35-47 mg/L, nitrites: <0.0020, nitrates: <0.025 mg/L, NTK: 2.78-5.57 mg/L, orthophosphates: <0.15 mg/L, total phosphorus: 0.47-0.74 mg/L, HTP: 673.4- 821.7 mg/L, saturated: 86.73%, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes: <4.5%, Ni and V: <0.02 mg/L. The sediment presented organic matter: (4.09 ± 0.95)%, NTK: 728.33 ± 45.25 mg/Kg, total phosphorus: 40.37 ± 11.80 mg/Kg, crude in sediment: 13.05 ± 0.75%, saturated: 48.5%, aromatic: 33.5%, resins: 6.5% and asphaltenes: 11.5%. In crude oil, the following were determined: saturated: 48.1%, aromatic: 23.6%, resins: 19.4%, and asphaltenes: 8.9%. Microbial populations were quantified obtaining: (4.15 ± 1.43) x 106 org/mL of photosynthetic microorganisms (microalgae and cyanobacteria), (2.71 ± 0.49) x 107 CFU/mL of fungi in petrolized water and (2.25 ± 0.24) x 106 CFU/g in sediment, (2.09 ± 1.50) x 101 org/mL of rotifers in water and a bacterial population of (2.45 ± 0.34) x 105 CFU/mL in petrolized water and (2.83 ± 0.26) x 105 CFU/g in sediment. It is concluded that despite the fact that physicochemical conditions such as acidic pH in the water, low concentration of nutrients and organic matter, and high concentration of hydrocarbons were present in the oil well, microbial populations adapted to these conditions were found that could be used as biocatalysts for the bioremediation of the oil well.
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