SITUALIZ: Situational planning simulation software

SITUALIZ: Software para la simulación de planes situacionales

  • Noelia Cegarra Ospino Universidad del Zulia
  • Gerardo Pirela Morillo Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Automatic Planning, Situational Logic, Situational Graph, Prolog, GraphViz


Automatic planning studies building plans as action sequences to satisfy goals given a set of constraints such as preconditions and other conditions depending on specific modeling strategies. Situational logic provides a formal framework to define situations: their elements, actions, and constraints (preconditions and effects), as well as the conditions to call all goals satisfied. Situational calculus provides computational approaches to build situational plans reasoning over the axioms of situational logic. The resulting software provides a graphic interface to define situations’ elements, both the initial and goal situations, and the permitted actions with their preconditions and effects; the core situational planner was implemented based on the breadth-first search algorithm to guarantee finding fewest-action (shortest-length) plans. The software also displays graphical rendering of the situational plans which the algorithm explores up to the point where the goal situation is found, as well as the fewest-action plan found. Following a software life-cycle methodology, the authors used Prolog for representing and implementing situational logic and calculus, Java for the graphical interface, TuProlog for the connection between the interface and the situational planner, and GraphViz for rendering the situational graph and the resulting plan.


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How to Cite
Cegarra Ospino, N., & Pirela Morillo, G. (2018). SITUALIZ: Situational planning simulation software: SITUALIZ: Software para la simulación de planes situacionales. Ciencia, 26(1-2), 15-22.
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