Chemical composition and preliminary antibacterial activity of the essential oil of the leaves ofLippia schlimii

Composición química y actividad antibacteriana preliminar del aceite esencial de las hojas de Lippia schlimii

  • Néstor Peña Universidad del Zulia
  • Dinorah Ávila Universidad del Zulia
  • José G. Ortega F. Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Lippia schlimii, Verbenácea, essential oil, antimicrobial activity


The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of the leaves of Lippia schlimii, was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Approximately 33 compounds were identified, of which the majority were Linalool-L (2,96%), Benzeneethanol (2,77%), Terpineol-4 (2,25%), α-Guaiene (4,59%), α-Amorphene (3,39%), δ-Cadinene (5,01%), Germacreno (2,9%), α-Cadinol (2,45%), T-Cadinol (4,19%) and 1-hydroxylinalool (31,26%). The antibacterial activity of essential oil was evaluated by the agar diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), against Staphylococcus aereus ATCC 25923, Enterococcus faecalisATCC 29212, Micrococcus sp, Bacillus subtilis (Gram +), Escherichia coliATCC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosaATCC 27853 Serratia marcescens, Proteus vulgaris, Enterobacter cloacae (Gram -). The results show that the oil inhibited the development of S. aureus, S. marcescens and Micrococcus sp., at a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 300 μg/ml and B. subtillis 200 μg/ml


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How to Cite
Peña, N., Ávila, D., & Ortega F., J. G. (2021). Chemical composition and preliminary antibacterial activity of the essential oil of the leaves ofLippia schlimii: Composición química y actividad antibacteriana preliminar del aceite esencial de las hojas de Lippia schlimii. Ciencia, 25(3-4), 113-119. Retrieved from