Macrobenthic red-algae from Cabo San Román, Falcón state, Venezuela(Macrobenthic red-algae from Cabo San Román)

Rodofíceas macrobénticas de Cabo San Román, estado Falcón, Venezuela(Rodofíceas macrobénticas de Cabo San Román)

  • Neyla OrtizOrtiz Universidad del Zulia
  • María E. Barroeta Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: macrobenthic algae, red-algae, taxonomy, phycoflora, Cabo San Román


This study is a contribution to the phycofloristic description of the Venezuelan coast where macrobenthic marine red-algae were taxonomically characterized from Cabo San Román (Falcón state, Venezuela), the northernmost part of the country, whose reports on this group are scarce. Macroalgae collected between 2004 and 2007 were identified, which were extracted by-hand from the rocky substrate and sand and preserved for their analysis. Morpho-anatomical studies were performed to identify the taxa. 24 species were identified, grouped into 7 orders and 10 families, being the dominant species of the order Ceramiales and the genus with more species Gracilaria. Seven of these records correspond to new reports for the area, from which Tricleocarpa cylindrica and Solieria filiformis are new records for the state. This is very important because this area is highly impacted by dredging and heavy shipping and other anthropogenic damage.


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How to Cite
OrtizOrtiz, N., & Barroeta, M. E. (2021). Macrobenthic red-algae from Cabo San Román, Falcón state, Venezuela(Macrobenthic red-algae from Cabo San Román): Rodofíceas macrobénticas de Cabo San Román, estado Falcón, Venezuela(Rodofíceas macrobénticas de Cabo San Román). Ciencia, 25(3-4), 105-112. Retrieved from