Spatial Changes in Floristic Composition, Structural Attributes and Salinity in the Caño Morita-Gran Eneal mangrove, Guajira municipality, Zulia State, Venezuela

Cambios espaciales de la composición florística, atributos estructurales ysalinidad en el manglar Caño Morita–Gran Eneal, municipio Guajira, Estado Zulia, Venezuela

  • Flora Barboza Universidad del Zulia
  • Yisliu Querales Universidad del Zulia
  • Mario Nava Universidad del Zulia
  • Jacinto Sánchez Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: mangrove, floristics, structure and salinity


The space changes of the floristic composition, structural attributes and salinity were determined in a mangrove located between the Caño Morita and Gran Eneal from June 2008 to June 2009. Three stations were selected (E1, E2 and E3), and in each station a 1600 m2 plot was established. In these plots, taxonomical identification of species, structural attributes (density, height, basal area, and diameter at breast height) and interstitial water salinity measurements were carried out. The floristic inventory allowed to identify a total of 18 species of plants grouped into 17 genera and 15 families were identified, indicating a low floristic diversity and variations in composition associate to the climatic and hydrological conditions at each site. The E1 station had the stand with the larger structural development, with a basal area of 25.97 m2/ha and dominated by Rhizophora mangle, followed by the stand of E3, with a basal area of 17.14 m2/ha dominated by Conocarpus erectus. The E2 stand had the smallest structural development with a basal area of 8.99 m2/ha, constituted by R. mangle and Laguncularia racemosa. The salinity of the interstitial water showed a significant increase from E1 to E3 during the dry season.


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How to Cite
Barboza, F., Querales, Y., Nava, M., & Sánchez, J. (2021). Spatial Changes in Floristic Composition, Structural Attributes and Salinity in the Caño Morita-Gran Eneal mangrove, Guajira municipality, Zulia State, Venezuela: Cambios espaciales de la composición florística, atributos estructurales ysalinidad en el manglar Caño Morita–Gran Eneal, municipio Guajira, Estado Zulia, Venezuela. Ciencia, 25(3-4), 94-104. Retrieved from