Reproductive Cycle and Feeding Habits of the Basilisk Lizard Basiliscus basiliscus (Sauria: Iguanidae) in the Guasare-Socuy Coal Region, Zulia State, Venezuela

Ciclo reproductivo y hábitos alimentarios del lagarto Basiliscus basiliscus (Sauria: Iguanidae) de la región carbonífera Guasare-Socuy, estado Zulia,Venezuela

  • Harold Molero M. Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente
Keywords: diet, reproduction, Sauria, Squamata, Perijá


To better know the reproductive cyc1e and feeding habits of the basilisk lizard, Basiliscus basiliscus (Sauria: Iguanidae) 116 specimens were collected along Norte, Carichuano and Paso del Diablo Creeks, near the General Wenceslao Briceño mining camp, in the Guasare-Socuy
coal region of Zu1ia State. Monthly visits were made from april 1984 to march 1985; and included both rainy and dry seasons. The minimum SVL and age to consider a lizard an adu1t and sexually mature were l32 mm, and 18 months for females, and 140 mm and 17,9 months for males respectively. The longevity of basilisks is short and the population comprises mostly young individuals. Basilisks are sexually mature in january and february, and the largest numbers of eggs are laid in may and june. Most hatching takes place in july and august. All specimens contained animal matter but only 33 percent had vegetable matter. Animal food represented 89% of the stomach contents and vegetable matter 11%. The animal matter consisted of 89% arthropods and 11% vertebrates. The Araneida were the most important food items in the dry season, and the Cerambycidae in the rainy season. In adults, Vespidae were the most important food items and, in juveniles, the Araneida. The Formicidae were the most important food items in males and the Araneida in females.


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Author Biography

Harold Molero M., Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente

Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente Oficina de diversidad biológica Maracaibo, estado Zulia


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How to Cite
Molero M., H. (2015). Reproductive Cycle and Feeding Habits of the Basilisk Lizard Basiliscus basiliscus (Sauria: Iguanidae) in the Guasare-Socuy Coal Region, Zulia State, Venezuela: Ciclo reproductivo y hábitos alimentarios del lagarto Basiliscus basiliscus (Sauria: Iguanidae) de la región carbonífera Guasare-Socuy, estado Zulia,Venezuela. Anartia, (27), 27-50. Retrieved from