© The Authors, 2023, Published by the Universidad del Zulia
*Corresponding author: fjrincon@espam.edu.ec
Fernando Rincón-Acosta
Miryam Elizabeth Félix López
Ernesto Antonio Hurtado
Rocío Guerrero-Castillo
Olga Beltrán
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(2): e234013
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v40.n2.03
Food Technology
Associate editor: Dra. Gretty R. Ettiene Rojas
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Surface activity
Interfacial activity
Surfactant properties and emulsifying activity of the gum exudate of Prosopis juliora (Sw.)
Propiedades tensoactivas y actividad emulsionante del exudado gomoso de Prosopis juliora (Sw.)
Propriedades surfactantes e actividade emulsicante do exsudado gomoso de Prosopis juliora
(Sw.) DC.
Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí.
Manuel Félix López, ESPAM-MFL, Campus Politécnico El
Limón, vía Calceta- El Morro, Ecuador.
Centro de Investigaciones en Química de los Productos
Naturales “Dra. Gladys León de Pinto, División de Estudios
para Graduados de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación,
Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Received: 19-12-2022
Accepted: 25-03-2023
Gums exudates are macromolecules consisting of carbohydrates
(majority fraction), proteins and lipids (minority fraction), with variable
concentrations of minerals, polyphenols, avonoids, tannins and other
bioactive phytochemical compounds. These natural products are used as
emulsifying agents in multiple industries. The surfactant properties of a
new source of gum exudate produced by Prosopis juliora
(Sw.) DC. were
evaluated. Additionally, water-oil dispersions prepared with this natural
polymer were tested for their emulsifying capacity and stability. A Du
Noüy ring tensiometer was used to determine the amphipathic behavior of
the investigated gum. The gum exudate of P. juliora tested at 0.5 % m/v,
decreases the values of surface tension (49.35 dyne.cm
) and interfacial
tension (12.78 dyne.cm
), which evidences the potential emulsifying activity
(EA) of this polysaccharide. EA values of 95 % and emulsion stability of 95.8
% were obtained, suggesting that P. juliora gum contributes to improve the
capacity and speed of adsorption of molecules between the dispersed phase
and continues to form a stable emulsion. The surfactant and emulsifying
activity of the investigated gum is associated with the high protein content
(16.89 %) and the presence of methyl groups in its structure. Therefore, the
gum exudate of P. juliora constitutes a promising source of hydrocolloids as
an emulsier that could be evaluated in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals,
food and even cosmetics. Additionally, it constitutes an unexploited natural
resource that would contribute to the development of the South American
regional economies where this species grows.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(2): e234013. Abril-Junio. ISSN 2477-9408.
2-6 |
Los exudados gomosos son macromoléculas constituidas por
carbohidratos (fracción mayoritaria), proteínas y lípidos (fracción
minoritaria), con concentraciones variables de minerales, polifenoles,
avonoides, taninos y otros compuestos toquímicos bioactivos.
Estos productos naturales son usados como agentes emulsionantes
en múltiples industrias. Se evaluó las propiedades tensoactivas
de una nueva fuente de exudado gomoso producido por Prosopis
juliora (Sw.) DC. Adicionalmente, a las dispersiones preparadas
agua-aceite con este polímero natural, se les determinó la capacidad
emulsionante y su estabilidad. Se empleó un tensiómetro con anillo
Du Noüy para determinar el comportamiento anpático de la goma
investigada. El exudado gomoso de P. juliora ensayado a 0,5 %
m/v, disminuye los valores de tensión supercial (49,35 dinas.cm
) e
interfacial (12,78 dinas.cm
), lo cual evidencia la potencial actividad
emulsionante (EA) de este polisacárido. Se obtuvieron valores de
EA del 95 % y de estabilidad de la emulsión del 95,8 %, lo cual
sugiere que la goma de P. juliora contribuye a mejorar la capacidad
y velocidad de adsorción de las moléculas entre la fase dispersa y
continúa, formando una emulsión estable. La actividad tensoactiva y
emulsionante de la goma investigada se asocia con el alto contenido
proteico (16,89 %) y la presencia de grupos metilos en su estructura.
Por lo tanto, el exudado gomoso de P. juliora, constituye una fuente
promisoria de hidrocoloides como emulsionante que podría evaluarse
en la fabricación de fármacos, alimentos e incluso cosméticos.
Adicionalmente, constituye un recurso natural sin explotar que
contribuiría al desarrollo de las economías regionales sudamericanas
donde crece está especie.
Palabras clave: actividad supercial, actividad interfacial,
emulsionante, biopolímero, hidrocoloides.
Exsudados gomosos são macromoléculas que consistem em
carboidratos (fração maioritária), proteínas e lipídios (fração
minoritária), com concentrações variáveis de minerais, polifenóis,
avonóides, taninos e outros compostos bioativos toquímicos.
Estes produtos naturais são usados como agentes emulsicantes
em muitas indústrias. Estes produtos naturais são usados como
agentes emulsicantes em múltiplas indústrias. Foram avaliadas
as propriedades surfactantes de uma nova fonte de exsudato
gomoso produzido por Prosopis juliora
(Sw.) DC. Além disso, as
dispersões de água-óleo preparadas com este polímero natural foram
testadas quanto à sua capacidade de emulsicação e estabilidade.
Um tensiómetro de anel Du Noüy foi utilizado para determinar
o comportamento anfíbio da goma investigada. O exsudado de
P. juliora testado a 0,5 % m/v, diminui os valores de tensão
supercial (49,35 dyne.cm
) e tensão interfacial (12,78 dyne.cm
o que evidencia a potencial actividade emulsicadora (EA) deste
polissacarídeo. Foram obtidos valores de EA de 95 % e estabilidade
de emulsão de 95,8 %, sugerindo que a goma P. juliora contribui
para melhorar a capacidade e velocidade de adsorção das moléculas
entre a fase dispersa e continua a formar uma emulsão estável. A
actividade surfactante e emulsionante da goma investigada está
associada ao elevado conteúdo proteico (16,89 %) e à presença de
grupos metilo na sua estrutura Por conseguinte, o exsudado de goma
de Prosopis juliora constitui uma fonte promissora de hidrocolóides
como emulsionante que poderia ser avaliada no fabrico de produtos
farmacêuticos, alimentares e até cosméticos. Além disso, constitui um
recurso natural inexplorado que contribuiria para o desenvolvimento
das economias regionais da América do Sul onde esta espécie cresce.
Palavras-chave: actividade supercial, actividade interfacial,
emulsicante, biopolímero, hidrocoloides.
Gum exudates are high molar mass and structurally complex
macromolecules, consisting of carbohydrates (majority fraction),
proteins and lipids (minority fraction), with variable concentrations
of minerals, polyphenols, avonoids, tannins and other bioactive
compounds (Licá et al., 2018; Vasile et al., 2016).
These polysaccharides are widely used as natural additives
in various industries, they exhibit multiple functionality such as:
emulsiers, foaming agents, lm formers, llers, coating material,
even as a vehicle to optimize nutrient absorption (Prajapati et al.,
Gum arabic produced by Acacia senegal is the additive used
par excellence in the formulation and preparation of emulsions in
multiple industries. The excellent emulsifying activity exhibited
by this natural polymer has been associated with the content of
arabinogalactan-protein complexes (AGP) in its structure (Williams
and Phillips, 2021).
The scarcity and price instability of gum arabic has prompted the
search for novel sources of gum. The functionality of gum exudates
from Acacia catechu (Sharma et al., 2021), Pithecellobium dulce
(Bushan et al., 2020); Prosopis spp. (Mubgil and Barak, 2020),
Prosopis alba (Vasile et al., 2019; Vasile et al., 2016), Soymida
febrifuga (Bhushett and Annapure, 2018), Prosopis spp. (Lopez-
Franco et al., 2015; López-Franco et al., 2012), Acacia mearnsii
de Wild (Grein et al., 2013), have been investigated with the aim of
assessing their potential emulsifying capacity, microencapsulant and
as raw material in lm formation.
In recent years, the potential use of gums obtained from the
Prosopis genus has been evidenced. The antioxidant activity of the
gum exudate of Prosopis alba has been reported, which would extend
its use as a preservative, especially in the processing of foods, drugs
and cosmetics, containing easily oxidizable oils, evaluating these
natural products as encapsulants and/or emulsiers (Vasile et al.,
On the other hand, the low viscosity presented by the exudate of
Prosopis spp., suggests its use in the elaboration of coating lms for
fresh fruits, coadjuvant in the fruit dehydration process, stabilizing
the foam formed during this process; as a binder in the manufacture
of tablets and emulsier/stabilizer of suspensions (Mubgil and
Barak, 2020). Additionally, the gums of the genus Prosopis have a
high dietary ber content, which could be used in the formulation of
functional foods (Mubgil and Barak, 2020; Rincón et al., 2020).
Prosopis juliora (Sw.) DC. (Mimosaceae), a species disseminated
in the state of Zulia-Venezuela, produces a brownish-colored, water-
soluble exudate at the trunk level with high yield (Clamens et al.,
2000). The objective of this study was to evaluate the surfactant
properties and emulsifying activity of the gum exudate of P. juliora
as a potential emulsifying agent.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rincón-Acosta et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(2): e2340133-6 |
Materials and methods
Location and identication of Prosopis juliora specimens
The gum exudate of Prosopis juliora (Sw.) DC. (Mimosaceae)
was obtained from 30 trees located at 10º40’33’ north latitude and
71º38’29’ west longitude at 32 masl in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.
The botanical identication of the species was certied by MSc.
Carmen Clamens, Botanist Taxonomist of the University of Zulia.
Obtaining and purication of the gum exudate of P. juliora
Wounding practices were performed at the trunk level of P.
juliora trees in order to stimulate the gum exudation process,
which was collected in the non-rainy period (January-April, 2019).
Subsequently, it was cleaned of tangible impurities (sand and
remaining bark) and subjected to heating (40 ºC, 5 h) in an oven
(Model 348, Fisher Scientic brand), in order to minimize moisture
and facilitate grinding. A pulverizer (Model Tittan 100) was used,
equipped with a motor (3 HP) and two sieves with pore sizes of 0.31
mm and 0.60 mm. The method described by Muñoz et al. (2007) was
applied to obtain the pure polymer, which was dried in a freeze dryer
(LABCONCO Freezone 6), at -40 ºC and 133 x 10
mBar. The yield
obtained from the puried polymer is 49.4 %.
Protein content
It was determined by applying the Kjeldahl method. The protein
value was obtained with: N x 6.25.
Determination of the surfactant properties of the gum exudate
of Prosopis juliora
Aqueous dispersions of the gum exudate P. juliora were prepared
at dierent concentrations (0.03 - 1.2 % m/v), and their surface and
interfacial activity was measured. A tensiometer (CSC Scientic
Company) was used. The Du Noüy ring method was applied. The
measurements were carried out 30 min after the sample was added
to the vessel at a temperature of 25 °C. Isopropyl myristate was
evaluated as a hydrophobic medium (Chávez-Narváez et al., 2009).
The results were expressed in dynes.cm
and are the average of three
(3) measurements.
Preparation of the emulsied water-oil dispersions
The emulsions (200 mL) prepared contained gum exudate of P.
juliora at the following concentrations (0.1; 0.25; 0.5; 1.0 % 1.5 and
2 % m/v), the pH of the dispersions was adjusted to 7 with a buer-
bicarbonate solution. Subsequently, 20 mL of corn oil was added. A
homogenizer (BOECO, Model OSD-20) was used with the following
conditions (agitation 2 min.10.000 rpm) to form the emulsions.
Emulsifying Activity (EA) and Emulsion Stability (ES)
The prepared emulsied dispersions were subjected to dierent
temperatures (60 and 80 °C), for 30 min, then centrifuged (4000 rpm,
8 min), in order to measure the eect of temperature on ES. The EA
and ES were determined by applying the methodology described by
Naji et al. (2012).
Stability of emulsions prepared with P. juliora gum during
Water-oil emulsied dispersions containing gum exudate of P.
juliora were prepared at 0.5 % m/v, concentration that evidenced the
highest emulsifying power of the evaluated gum, were hermetically
stored at 25 ºC in glass jars with lids. The absorbance measurements
were carried out through turbidimetric tests every 48 hours for 15
days, using a spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientic, model
Genesys-10S). The measurements were made at 650 nm in glass cells
with a capacity of 2.5 mL.
Results and discussion
Surfactant properties of P. juliora gum
Figure 1, shows that increasing the concentration of P. juliora
gum decreased the surface tension reaching its saturation point at 0.5
% m/v.
Figure 1. Eect of Prosopis juliora gum exudate concentration
on surface tension.
The result obtained in the present study (49.35 dynes.cm
0.5% m/v) is comparable to those reported by Garti et al. (1999) for
Portulaca oleracea (47 mN.m
, 0.6% m/v) and Acacia senegal (45
, 0.5 % m/v) gums, as well as by Muñoz et al. (2007) for
Acacia tortuosa (42.6 mN.m
, 0.5% m/v). However, they are lower
than the values published by Huang et al. (2001) for carrageenans
(65.0 dyne.cm
, 0.5 % m/m), xanthan gum (60.8 dyne.cm
, 0.5 %
m/m), guar gum (55.2 dyne.cm
, 0.5 % m/m), fenugreek gum (53.6
, 0.5 % m/m), methylcellulose (52.9 dynes.cm
, 0.5 %
m/m), and to those obtained by Pérez-Mosqueda et al. (2013) on
Sterculia apetala (56.10 mN m
) and by Grein et al. (2013) on Acacia
mearnsii from Wild (56.70 mN.m
Prosopis juliora gum evaluated at dierent concentrations
showed interfacial activity (gure 2), evidencing the ability to adsorb
at the water-oil interface reducing the interfacial tension (12.78
, 0.5% m/v).
Figure 2. Eect of Prosopis juliora gum exudate concentration
on interfacial tension.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(2): e234013. Abril-Junio. ISSN 2477-9408.
4-6 |
This value is analogous to those published for Sterculia
apetala gum (12.80 dyne.cm
, 0.5 % m/v) (Rincón et al., 2018)
in xanthan produced by Xanthomonas campestris, (12.0 dyne.
, 0.5 % m/m), pectins (12.40 dyne.cm
, 0.5 % m/m) and in
synthetic polymers such as methylcellulose (12.1 dyne.cm
, 0.5 %
m/m) (Huang et al., 2001); but relatively higher than those observed
by Huang et al. (2001) for Trigonella foenum-graecum gum (7.9
, 0.5 % m/m), for Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (8.3 dyne.
, 0.5 % m/m), and in microcrystalline cellulose (9.5 dyne.cm
0.5 % m/m). The result obtained in this study suggests the potential
ability of P. juliora gum in the formation of protective lms
around the oil droplets guaranteeing the homogeneity and stability
of the emulsions. The interfacial ability of these natural polymers
has been associated with their amphipathic nature, with hydrophilic
groups (OH
and COOH
) with partially negative charges belonging
to neutral and acidic sugars, which interact with water molecules
by breaking hydrogen bonds. While the mostly hydrophobic groups
of the amino acid side chains present in its protein fraction interact
with the hydrophobic groups of the lipids present in the oil (Al-
Assaf et al., 2009).
The excellent surfactant activity observed for the gum exudate
of P. juliora evidences the potential emulsifying capacity of this
natural polymer. Analogous results have been published for gums
exudates from Prosopis spp. (López-Franco et al., 2015; López-
Franco et al., 2012), Prosopis alba (Vasile et al., 2016), Acacia
catechu (Sharma et al., 2021) and Pithecellobium dulce (Busham
et al., 2020).
The surfactant properties exhibited by the studied gum are
probably due to the presence of arabinogalactan-protein complexes
in its structure, which has been widely described for gum exudates
of Prosopis spp. (López-Franco et al., 2015; López-Franco et al.,
2008). The emulsifying activity of gum arabic produced by Acacia
senegal, an additive widely used as an emulsier at the industrial
level, has been mainly associated with the protein fraction present
in the structure of these heteropolysaccharides (arabinogalactan-
protein type II) (Lee and McClements 2010, Dickinson, 2011;
Williams and Phillips 2021).
Emulsifying activity (EA) and emulsion stability (ES)
Figure 3, shows that 95 % emulsication values were obtained
at a concentration of 0.5 % m/v, evidencing no signicant dierence
(p> 0.05) when compared to 1 %. However, at a higher concentration
(1.5 % m/v) there were statistical dierences (p<0.05), obtaining
values of 98 %. A suitable concentration (0.5 % m/v) was selected
for testing in gum exudates as emulsifying agents.
Figure 3. Eect of Prosopis juliora gum exudate concentration
on emulsifying activity.
The EA (95 %) obtained by the studied gum is higher than that
observed for gum Arabic (92 %, 0.5 % m/m) (Vasile et al., 2016)
and comparable to the range reported for Prosopis spp. gums (93-96
%, 0.5 % m/v) (Vasile et al., 2016; López-Franco et al 2015; López-
Franco et al., 2008). This property has been linked to the ability to
increase viscoelastic properties at the water-oil interface (Sharma et
al., 2021, Bhushan et al., 2020; Vasile et al., 2016; Pérez-Mosqueda
et al., 2013; López-Franco et al., 2012), which contributes to
improve the adsorption capacity and speed of molecules at the
interface and as a consequence, increases emulsion stability.
Functionality that has been mainly associated to the formation of
AGPs complexes in the structure of these natural polymers (Al-
Assaf et al., 2009), as well as, to the presence of methyl groups in
the periphery of these hydrocolloids (López-Franco et al., 2015;
López-Franco et al., 2012).
The emulsions prepared with P. juliora gum, present excellent
emulsion stability (ES) (95.8 %), at low concentration (0.5 % m/v),
at 60 °C, comparable with the rest of the evaluated concentrations
(Figure, 4). It has been reported that emulsions prepared with
Prosopis spp. gum have ES values of 97 % higher than those
obtained with those prepared with gum arabic and other species
of the genus Acacia, which range between 93 and 94 % (López-
Franco et al., 2015; López-Franco et al., 2008). The high molar
mass of the complex (AGPs), the degree of polydispersity and the
accessibility or structural conformation of the amino acid group
of these complexes, constitute factors that aect the decrease in
interfacial tension, which is determinant in the stability of emulsions
(Dickinson, 2009; Dickinson, 2011).
However, at 80 °C temperature, a signicant decrease (p<0.05)
of the ES values is observed in comparison with 60 °C temperature
(gure 4), which at the concentrations of 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 % m/v
are close to 90 %, suggesting that the prepared emulsions tend to
destabilize, and this behavior is mostly marked in the emulsions
prepared with P. juliora gum at concentrations lower than 0.5 %
m/v (85.8 %).
Figure 4. Eect of temperature on the stability of emulsions
prepared at dierent concentrations of Prosopis
juliora gum.
The high kinetic energy generated at high temperatures allows
the established intermolecular attractions (hydrogen bridges) to
be easily overcome, which aects the stability of heterogeneous
dispersed systems (Dickinson, 2011). It has been evidenced that
emulsions prepared with gum arabic and subjected to temperatures
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rincón-Acosta et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(2): e2340135-6 |
higher than 75 °C, signicantly decrease their stability; reported ES
values are in the order of 85 % (López-Franco et al., 2015; Vasile et
al., 2016). This eect has also been evidenced in emulsions prepared
with commercial galactomannans (Wu et al., 2009) and obtained
from Prosopis spp. (López-Franco et al., 2013).
Stability of emulsions as a function of storage days.
Figure 5 shows a progressive decrease in absorbance values as
a function of days of storage. A signicant decrease in absorbance
(0.84) was observed on day 10, with respect to those obtained at 0
hours (1.10) and 48 hours (1.02), respectively; suggesting emulsion
destabilization causing emulsion rupture.
Figure 5. Emulsifying activity of Prosopis juliora gum exudate as
a function of storage time.
The behavior obtained in the present study (gure 5), is comparable
to those reported for emulsions prepared with Prosopis spp. gum and
formulated with gum arabic (0.5 % m/v) (López-Franco et al., 2015;
Vasile et al., 2016), which corroborates the potential emulsifying
capacity of the gum studied.
The protein content in the gums/hydrocolloids is determinant in the
potential emulsifying capacity of these natural polymers. The protein
present in the gum exudate of P. juliora (16.89 + 0.51 %) is higher
than that reported for the Prosopis spp. gum (6.98 + 0.13 %) (López-
Franco et al., 2012), Prosopis alba (13.81 + 0.33 %) (Vasile et al.,
2016), and signicantly higher than that presented by Acacia senegal
(1.37 + 0.04 %) (López-Franco et al., 2012). The protein fraction
associated with the polysaccharide acts as a hydrophobic group
(anchoring or binding point), responsible for the emulsifying activity
(Dickinson, 2011; Dickinson, 2012). On the other hand, preliminary
studies of the polysaccharide isolated from the exudate of P. juliora,
showed a large proportion of methyl groups (methylated glucuronic
acid residues) at the periphery of the structure of this polymer, as
has been reported for most Prosopis spp. gums (Vasile et al., 2016;
López-Franco et al., 2015; López-Franco et al., 2012; López-Franco
et al 2008), which would increase its emulsifying power.
The gum exudate of P. juliora studied at 0.5 % m/v, decreases the
surface and interfacial tension values, which evidences the potential
emulsifying activity (EA) of this polysaccharide. The obtained values
of EA and emulsion stability indicate that P. juliora gum contributes
to improve the capacity and speed of adsorption of molecules between
the dispersed phase and continues to form a stable emulsion. The
surfactant and emulsifying activity of the gum studied is associated
with the high protein content and the presence of methyl groups in its
structure. Therefore, the gum exudate of Prosopis juliora constitutes
a promising source of hydrocolloids as an emulsier that could be
evaluated in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, food, and even
cosmetics. Additionally, it constitutes an unexploited natural resource
that would contribute to the development of the South American
regional economies where this species grows.
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