Coniochaetidium Zulianensis, A New Record In The World

  • Adolfredo E. Delgado ívila Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento Fitosanitario
  • Lilia M. Urdaneta García Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento Fitosanitario
  • Albino J. Piñeiro Chávez Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento Fitosanitario


On the basis of a study of coprophilous fungi from Zulia state, Venezuela, one specie of the family Coniochaetaceae, with cleistothecial ascocarp and ascospores with germ pore was isolated from dove dung. It was identified as species of Coniochaetidium Malloch and Cain. The species described in this paper differs from the other five (5) species in its morphological characteristic, globose asci, 8 spored and ellipsoidal ascospores, also this species differs from another by having larger ascopores, which are nearly double its length in culture. The species was identified as Coniochaetidium zulianensis Delgado, Urdaneta and Piñeiro, which represents a new record in the world


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Cómo citar
Delgado ívilaAE, Urdaneta García LM, Piñeiro Chávez AJ. Coniochaetidium Zulianensis, A New Record In The World. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 1 [citado 10 de octubre de 2024];18(4). Disponible en:
Medicina Veterinaria