Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Rivadeneira et al.
balanced and healthy diet, mainly due to its valuable
acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid. In addition to this, its
proportions iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. To
the consumer is increasingly evident [1].
high content in certain constituents such as water, with
where bacteria actively participate, carrying out processes
and the time, which has resulted in an immense loss and
quality and nutritional attributes, avoiding waste and
losses [5].
above all, at reducing these enormous losses, preserving
logistical supply system [2].
review [7, 8], the main losses in the quality characteristics
carp, based on storage time and temperature in the Cuban
harvest losses, constituting this the problem to solve. As a
decisions that will reduce post-harvest losses.
the problematic situation, the research problem was
answered by designing a procedure to obtain a predictive
quality model, based on microbial analysis, total volatile
The procedure proposed in Figure 1 goes through 8 stages,
partially applying it up to stage 3.
Assembly and Training of the work team
Determination of the factors to be controlled. Desing of experiment
Identify the relationship between deterioration curves and the QIM
Document the traceability system
Determine the traceability diagram
Implement the traceability system
System audit
Proposals for improvement