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Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, January-April, 2021, 4-11
Evaluation of the severity of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella
 Morelet) in plantain ‘Barraganete’ under magnesium
Carrera de Ingeniería Agropecuaria, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión en El Carmen.
Manabí, Ecuador. Estudiante de Doctorado de Ciencias Agrarias, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad del
Zulia, Venezuela.
Ing. Agr., Docente Unidad Educativa Maranatha, El Carmen, Manabí, Ecuador.
Ing. Agr. Libre
Ejercicio de la Profesión. Venezuela.
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Técnica de Machala,
Machala, Ecuador. Estudiante de Doctorado de Ciencias Agrarias, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad del
Zulia, Venezuela.
Carrera de Ingeniería Agropecuaria, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión
en El Carmen. Manabí, Ecuador. Estudiante de Doctorado de Ingeniería Agraria, Alimentaria, Forestal y
de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible, Universidad de Córdoba, España.
Carrera de Ingeniería Agropecuaria,
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión en El Carmen. Manabí, Ecuador.
Independientes, Manabí, Ecuador.
Departamento de Botánica, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad del Zulia.
Maracaibo, Venezuela.
*Corresponding author: usanchez@fa.luz.edu.ve
Received: 27 de febrero de 2020 | Accepted: 20 de agosto de 2020 | Available: 01 de enero de 2021
Black Sigatoka (BS) is a foliar disease that represents the main limiting factor in plantain production worldwide.
Therefore, the research aimed to evaluate the severity of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) in ‘Barraganete’
plantain under magnesium fertilization, in El Carmen, Ecuador. A completely random block design with three repetitions
was used; with 288 seeded plants with adensity of 2,222 plants/ha. Basic fertilization of N-P-K (100-40-150 Kg/ha) was
conducted with six doses of MgO (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 Kg/ha), segmented into three parts (12, 18 and 24 leaves).
Every week, leaf 3, 4, and 5 were examined with the Fouré scale, these data were analyzed by using the methodology of
repeated measures over time. To assess the incidence of BS weekly, leaf 3, 4, and 5 were inspected with the Fouré scale, along
with leaf removal and surgery. Ten plants per fertilization treatment were evaluated, and six fungicide applications were
performed with contact and systemic products. The highest severity of BS was shown for all the treatments in week 20, on
leaf 3, reaching levels higher than severe in treatments of 75 and 125 Kg/ha of MgO. The equations of the polynomial models
determined that with the dose of 25 Kg/ha of MgO the lowest severity of BS was observed. Knowing the environmental
conditions and supervision allow for better agronomic management.
Keywords: Musa sp.; Mycosphaerella fijiensis; plantain ‘Barraganete’; crop management; fertilization.
Evaluación de la severidad de Sigatoka negra
( Morelet) en plátano “Barraganete”
bajo fertilización con magnesio
Sigatoka negra (SN) es la enfermedad foliar que representa la principal limitante en la producción de plátano a nivel
mundial. Por lo que, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la severidad de Sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella
fijiensis Morelet) en plátano “Barraganete” bajo fertilización con magnesio, en El Carmen, Ecuador. Se utilizó un diseño
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Evaluation of the severity of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) ) in ‘Barraganete’
de bloques completamente al azar con tres repeticiones; con 288 plantas sembradas a una densidad de 2.222 plantas/
ha. Se realizó una fertilización básica de N-P-K (100-40-150 Kg/ha), con seis dosis de MgO (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 y 125 Kg/
ha), fraccionada en tres partes (12, 18 y 24 hojas). Semanalmente se inspeccionaron las hojas 3, 4 y 5 con la escala de
Fouré, analizando estos datos mediante la metodología de medidas repetidas en el tiempo. Para evaluar la incidencia de SN
semanalmente se inspeccionaron las hojas 3, 4 y 5 con la escala de Fouré, junto con deshoje y cirugía. Se evaluaron 10 plantas
por tratamiento de fertilización, se realizaron seis aplicaciones de fungicidas con productos de contacto y sistémicos. Durante
la semana 20 en la hoja 3 se presentó la mayor severidad de SN, inclusive fue superior al nivel severo en los tratamientos
de 75 y 125 Kg/ha de MgO. Las ecuaciones de los modelos polinómicos determinaron que con la dosis de 25 Kg/ha de MgO,
se obtuvo la menor severidad de SN. Conocer las condiciones ambientales y supervisión permite realizar un mejor manejo
Palabras clave: Musa sp.; Mycosphaerella fijiensis; plátano “Barraganete”; manejo del cultivo; fertilización.
Tropical fruit crops include plantains and
bananas, not only because of the volumes produced but
also in terms of meeting the caloric needs of millions of
people, especially in Africa, Asia and America; in addition
to the fruits, it is known that any other part of the plant
has commercial or medicinal value [1].
The Black Sigatoka (BS, Mycosphaerella fijiensis
Morelet), is one of the pathogens with the greater
economic, social, and environmental impact on the history
of agriculture, and particularly on the world plantain
production [2]. It is the main foliar disease in economic
terms of plantain production in the world [3] because it
can reduce yields by 50% [4], [5]. Disease management
costs in commercial plantations range from 27% of total
production costs [6].
The main effect of the disease is the extension of
ripening process of the fruit in the plant. After harvest,
under poor control conditions, the largest losses related to
plants with a low number of leaves (less than 4 healthy
leaves), due to the risk of premature ripening of the fruit;
therefore, a minimum of eight functional leaves should be
at least eight leaves with a low severity degree of Black
Sigatoka [7], [8].
Magnesium (Mg) is the second most abundant
cation in plants, is involved in various physiological
and biochemical processes (photosynthesis, enzymatic
activation, and synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins). Its
but also behaves in the soil as a K and Ca antagonistic
element [9, 10].
Excessive application of fertilizers such as K
and NH
antagonistically interferes with the uptake of
      
accumulation and chlorosis in several plant species.
Further reducing the rate of photosynthesis; therefore,
plant growth is affected [11].
development of plants, as it involves 1) the structure of
chlorophyll and chloroplasts stabilization , by accepting
and retransferring luminous energy, promoting
      
sugar load in the phloem, as well as other nutrients, and
their transport; 3) regulates the cation-anion equilibrium,
and turgor along with K in the vacuole, and 4) maintains
stability and macromolecules synthesis. The imbalance of
Mg homeostasis in cells affects these processes [12].
Currently, agronomic practices are carried
out, aiming to a decrease in the number of applications
of agrochemicals (surgery, leaf removal, fertilization,
management of the waste removed from the plant, among
others). Due to the aforementioned, the severity of Black
Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) in ‘Barraganete’
plantain under magnesium fertilization was evaluated.
The research was conducted at the Río Suma
Experimental Farm, Universidad Laica ‘Eloy Alfaro de
Manabí’, Extension in El Carmen, located in the Province
of Manabí, Canton El Carmen, Ecuador. Coordinates DMS
0°15’34.2” S, 79°25’39.2” W, humid tropical type climate,
altitude 263 masl, average temperature 24.15 °C. An
average rainfall of 2,806 mm/year, 86% relative humidity,
heliophane of 1,026 daylight hours/year and evaporation
of 1,064 mm/year [13]. Soil analysis showed low levels of
(11.61 ppm), P (4.56 ppm) and Mg (0.90 meq/100 g),
and high levels of K (0.50 meq/100 g). With sandy loam
texture (62% sand, 28% silt and 10% clay) [14].
A ‘Barraganete’ plantain (Musa sp. AAB) second-
  
m between rows, and 1.8 m between plants (4.5 m
), for a
total of 2,222 plants·ha
(high density). The total number
of plants was 288 distributed in three blocks. Fractionated
fertilizer applications were made in three parts (N-P-K
and MgO). The fractionation of P was considered because
       
Avellán-Vásquez [14]. And since it is an element with little
soil mobility, the absorption at the roots will occur at the
close to them. When added to the soil it is soluble and
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Cedeño et al.
for the plant. This low mobility causes it to remain in the
upper layer of the soil, being lost mainly through surface
runoff and erosion.
The treatments were arranged in a completely
random blocks experimental design, with three
repetitions. The variation in severity during the study
period was analyzed with the Statistical Analysis System
package (SAS v.9.1.3, 2020) [15], using the methodology
of repeated measurements over time through the mixed
linear model procedure (MIXED), to study the longitudinal
behavior of the six MgO treatments, selecting fourth-
degree polynomial models that best explained the behavior
of this variable over time. Environmental temperature
(measured with a digital thermometer), relative humidity
(digital hygrometer), and the temperature of the evaluated
leaves (measured with an infrared thermometer) were
      
severity level.
Fertilization consisted in the application for all
plants of a standard dose of 100, 40 and 150 kg/ha
f N,
and K
O respectibily, complemented with fertilization
treatments with MgO at six levels (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and
125 kg/ha of MgO), divided into three equal parts and
applied to the soil when the plants issued leaves 12, 18
and 24. Commercial fertilizers used were urea (46% N),
diammonium phosphate (DAP; 18% N and 46% P
Potassium Chloride (commonly referred to as Muriate of
Potash or MOP) (60% K
O) and magnesium oxide (30%
Field supervision, surgery, and leaf removal
wereweekly done; in addition to using the Fouré scale
1). Degrees of infection: 1A. Pinch. Small depigmented
yellowish-white to brown spot (dot), visible only on the
Small depigmented spot (dot) visible only on the lower
widened dark brown to almost black stripe visible on the
upper surface of leaves; 3C. Stain. Elliptical, dark brown on
the lower surface and black on the upper surface of leaves;
4C. Burn up. Black spot on the upper and lower surfaces
of leaves, the center is depressed and surrounded by a
yellowish halo; 5C. 1/3 of the burned leaf blade. Similar to
the previous one, occupying one-third of the leaf surface;
and 6C. More than 50% of the leaf blade burned. The center
of the stain dries and necrotizes, becoming greyish [16].
To evaluate the degree of severity of the disease
in growing plants (evolutionary status), under fertilization
treatment, a sample of 10 plants was taken at random, in
which leaves 3, 4 and 5 were placed from top to bottom,
         
1). Later on, the mathematical calculation of de infestation
degree in this type of plant was carried out,which allowed
Figure 1. Infestation degree or disease progression
status caused by Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis
Morelet), ‘Barraganete’ plantain, cultivated at the Río
Suma Experimental Farm, Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro
de Manabí”, Extension in El Carmen Ecuador.
The values of leaves 3, 4 and 5 were added for
each one according to the infestation degree (1A, 1B,
2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, and 6C), obtained from the weekly crop
inspection and the value was averaged for each leaf
number (ALN) (n=10), the letters are equal to the values
of A=1, B=2, and C=3, these were added and divided by 10
to obtain their average (ALL).
Subsequently, ALN x ALL was multiplied from
leaves 3, 4, and 5. The result of the previous multiplication
was multiplied once more by a constant, which varied
according to the number of the leaf, for leaf 3= 120, for
leaf 4= 100 and leaf 5= 80. The constants were obtained
      
infection density in leaves 3, 4 and 5, as described by
Orozco-Santos et al. (17).
Figure 2. Diagram of position and marking of leaves 1 to 5,
of a plant in an evolutionary state, for incidence or severity
level evaluation of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Evaluation of the severity of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) ) in ‘Barraganete’
considering the following levels, when on leaf 3 the values
were <300, received the category of mild; on leaf 4 when
they reached values > 300 up to 500 received the category
of high and when on leaf 5 they reached values > 500 the
received category is severe.
Six fungicide applications were made with
contact and systemic products, the active ingredients of the
applied products were mancozeb (100 g) + tebuconazole
+ triadimenol (20 mL) + a mixture of alkylaryl and
polyglycol 12.5% (two applications, eight day interval);
difenoconazole (20 mL) + propineb (100 g) + a mixture
of alkylaryl and polyglycol 12.5% (two applications, 15
days interval) and carbendazim (20 mL) + mancozeb
(100 g) + a mixture of alkylaryl and polyglycol12.5% (two
applications, 15 days interval).
Results and discussion
    
programs requires three types of basic information: 1)
climate: particularly amount and frequency of rain and
duration of moisture on the leaves, this allows to assess the
future epidemiological evolution of the disease [19], [20];
2) biological: speed or rate of leaves emission, presence
of necrotic symptoms and spots in younger leaves; severe
level of BS in blossoms within 7 to 9 weeks after sprout
of bunches [8] and speed of disease evolution [6] and; 3)
sensitivity of populations to the main fungicides used [21].
Given these requirements, environmental
        
  
environmental conditions at the time of the sampling.
The average relative humidity was 85.6% and 85.4%,
respectively. The average ambient temperature was 24.62
and 25.32°C, respectively. The temperature was 23.98 °C
for leaf 3;23.88 °C for leaf 4, and 23.84 °C for leaf 5. The
thermal difference between leaf 3 and leaf 4 was 0.1 °C;
between leaf 3 and leaf 5 was 0.14 °C and between leaf 4
and leaf 5 was 0.04 °C.
The average rainfall for the period evaluated was
40.14 mm/week
and 160.55 mm/month, with a minimum
rainfall of 0.00 mm and a maximum of 279.10 mm; however,
during the evaluation period (four months) the total
rainfall was 642.2 mm. Having all these environmental
factors relative importance in the incidence, severity, and
dissemination of BS.
Álvarez et al. [22] noted that heavy and frequent
rainfall, as well as temperatures around 26 to 28 °C had a
marked effect on the processes of infection, germination,
penetration of the pathogen and release of the inoculum,
        
favored dissemination. Likewise humans are part of the
pathosystem when making decisions about the use of a
certain cultivar, production system, host management and
BS control methods, among others [18].
  
develops under the conditions of high humidity and
temperature that occur in Ecuador during the rainy season
(December-May) and the reproductive structures of the
fungus are activated at 21 °C, for which the presence of
In turn, the maturation of the reproductive structures
causes the detachment of ascospores and conidia that
spread the disease, then the spores can be carried by
winds or spread to the neighboring leaves, settling on the
new foliar tissue, to start a new period of infection.
Number of leaves
The number of leaves per plant according to the
fertilization treatments did not show a particular trend,
their behavior was very variable during the evaluation
time; however, the treatments of 75 and 100 kg/ha
MgO were those that maintained a tendency to increase
the number of leaves per plant from the 25 th week of
kg/ha) shown an average of 7.36 leaves/plant. In this
sense, the number of leaves present in a plant at the time
of the bloom and development of the bunch is important
to guarantee the productivity and quality of the fruits.
It is also noted that in treatments of 25, 50, and
75 kg/ha
of MgO in weeks 21 and 22 the greatest number
of leaves was recorded on average 7.17 leaves/plant and
in week 29 was 7.11 leaves/plant. On the other hand, in
week 16 all treatments had the least number of leaves.
Later on, in week 24 the treatments of 0, 25 and 50 kg/
ha of MgO showed a decrease in the number of leaves
(5.73 leaves/plant
on average); perhaps the decrease in
the number of leaves in those two weeks was the result
of having performed leaf removal and severe surgery as a
result of the heavy rainfall that occurred in week 15 and
the high severity of the disease in leaves 4 and 5 in week
On the other hand, there were statistical
differences (P<0.01) for the samples carried out in weeks
21, 22, and 29. In weeks 21 and 22 there were differences
between treatments 50 (with 7.31 leaves/plant), 25,
and 75 kg/ha
of MgO when compared with treatments
125, 100 and 0 kg/ha
of MgO (with 6.08 leaves/plant).
Similarly, in week 29, differences were found between
treatments of 25 (with 7.42 leaves/plant), 50, 100, and
125 kg/ha of MgO when compared with treatments of 75
and 0 kg/ha
of MgO (with 6.08 leaves/plant).
Figure 3. Number of leaves in plants of ‘Barraganete’
plantain, fertilized with different MgO doses, grown at the
Río Suma Experimental Farm, Universidad Laica “Eloy
Alfaro de Manabí”, Extension in El Carmen, Ecuador.
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Cedeño et al.
In Urabá, Colombia, during the vegetative
phase, the plant sprout between 35 and 36 leaves, with
a frequency of one leaf/week in the rainy season and
between 0.4 and 0.6 leaf/week in drought conditions
[23]. This leaf production rate allowed the plant to replace
leaves that have completed their cycle or that have been
affected by diseases such as BS or mechanical damage.
Overall, according to Turner et al. [24] the plant generated
30 to 50 or more leaves in the growing cycle but at the
same time only kept 10 to 14 photosynthetically active
leaves, thus ensuring high yields.
In plantain of the type False Horn cv. ‘Dominíco
Hartón, cultivated between 1,300 and 1,600 masl, the
the beginning of the leaf production process with the
emission of 50% of the total leaves, around the 19 leaves
in number [25].
Aristizábal and Jaramillo [25] indicated that
for the same cultivar planted at 1,050 masl, this stage
occurred when the plant had sprouted 27 leaves.
Meanwhile, Hernández et al. [26] in Venezuela, placed the
     ón Enano’) of the
same type (False Horn) on leaf 25 (33% of plants), on leaf
27 (60% of plants) and leaf 30 (80-100% of plants).
Severity level of the disease
Figure 4 shows the evolution of BS during the
evaluation time, whose behavior followed a fourth-degree
that in weeks 14 and 15 the heaviest rainfall occurred
(168.9 and 279.1 mm, respectively), coinciding with high
levels of incidence (100% during the entire evaluation
period) and severity for the six MgO fertilization
treatments. However, the treatments of 50, 75 and 125
and kg/ha of MgO at the beginning of the trial (week 14)
showed the least severity in leaf 3 with values close to
or below 300; the control treatments (0), 25 and 50 kg/
ha showed a severity of the disease higher than the mild
level (300). This led to applications of contact fungicides
(protective) and curative (systemic), in addition to the
In week 20, the highest severity values of
the disease were shown in leaf 3 for all fertilization
treatments, surpassing even the severe level (>500) of
leaf removal during week 19, joined with that in week
20 rainfall accumulated 44 mm, and the presence of high
temperatures. Similarly, in week 26, treatments of 75 and
With leaf removal and surgery, at weekly
intervals, the severity level of the disease was reduced.
Other practices, additional to sanitary leaf removal could
also help in the management of the disease, such as the
stacking or cordoning off of diseased tissue in the soil and
the application of 10% urea as a sporulation inhibitor
Figure 4. Severity of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella
fijiensis Morelet), in ‘Barraganete’ plantain, grown at the
Río Suma Experimental Farm, Universidad Laica “Eloy
Alfaro de Manabí”, Extension in El Carmen, Ecuador,
application of fertilizer was made in week 12.
     
importance of regular weed control (herbicide or
weeding) for proper disease control and the possibility
of using low-lying live hedges, without detriment to BS
control. Balanced mineral nutrition is also a relevant
aspect. Elements such as silica, copper, calcium, boron,
and zinc help to reduce the severity of the disease [28].
Analyzing the severity level in leaf 3 for each
of the fertilization treatments, it was observed that the
greatest incidences of BS occurred in week 14 in the
control treatments (0), 25, 75 and 100 kg/ha of MgO; in
week 15 for treatments 50, 100 and 125 kg/ha of MgO;
in week 16 for treatments of 50 and 100 kg/ha of MgO; at
week 18 in the treatment of 125 kg/ha of MgO; at week
20 and 21 for all treatments; at week 23 for 50, 75 and
125 kg/ha of MgO treatments; at week 24 in the treatment
of 125 kg/ha of MgO; in week 25 in the treatment of 75
kg/ha of MgO and week 26 in all treatments except in the
treatment 25 kg/
When analyzing the sample variance for the
severity level of the disease in other leaves, statistical
differences (P<0.01) were found for some of them due to
the effect of the treatments depending on the evaluated
leaf (3, 4, and 5). At week 14, differences were found
in leaf 5 control treatment data, when compared with
other treatments where MgO was applied. In week 18,
differences were found in leaf 3 between treatments 125
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Evaluation of the severity of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) ) in ‘Barraganete’
(317.63; high severity level) and 0 kg/ha of MgO when
compared with treatments 25 (156,67; mild severity
level), 50, 75 and 100 kg/
Statistical differences were foundin weeks 21
and 22 for leaf 3 treatments 50, 100, and 125 kg/ha of
MgO when compared with treatments 0, 25, and 75 kg/
ha of MgO. Similarly, differences (P<0.01) were found in
week 25 for leaves 3, 4, and 5. In leaf 3 the differences
were between treatments 0, 75, and 125 kg/ha of MgO
when compared with treatments 25, 50 and 100 kg/ha of
MgO. In leaf 4, the differences were between the treatment
75 kg/ha of MgO when compared with the treatments of
0, 25, 50, 100, and 125 kg/ha of MgO; while in leaf 5 the
differences were between treatments 0, 50, 75, 100, and
125 kg/ha of MgO when compared with the treatment 25
The progression of the disease is considered to
have been very rapid when leaf 3, which was the youngest,
was ill; so that, since the degree of infestation was mild,
it was relatively low and can be controlled or managed
through cultural practices and, if necessary, in the face of
increased damage, with the use of protective or systemic
fungicides, coinciding with what was pointed out by
Muñoz and Vargas [29].
Concerning to leaves 4 and 5 in general, from
week 21 onward, the severity levels values obtained
          
           
      
situation in El Carmen, Ecuador, regarding agroecological
and management conditions, which would lead to further
research where the constant values that were used to
determine the severity level of the disease in this area
are adjusted according to the prevailing environmental
This led to six applications of fungicides for
the entire period evaluated, which were scheduled after
        
the disease determined in weeks 14 and 15 (mancozeb
(100 g) + tebuconazole + triadimenol (20 mL) + a mixture
of alkylaryl and polyglycol 12.5% (two applications,
eightday interval), in weeks 20 and 22 (difenoconazole
(20 mL) + propineb (100 g) + a mixture of alkylaryl and
polyglycol12.5% (two applications, 15day interval) and
in weeks 24 and 26 (carbendazim (20 mL) + mancozeb
(100 g) + a mixture of alkylaril and polyglycol 12.5%
(two applications, 15 days interval), surgery and weekly
leaf removal. On the other hand, the application program
of preventive and curative fungicides for BS should be
designed considering the fungicides active ingredients
different mechanisms to reduce the risks of the
development of resistance to those molecules.
All the aforementioned is in agreement with
Cervantes et al. [21] who reported that the chemical
management of BS has been carried out with the use of
protective and systemic fungicides in aqueous suspension,
in oil and water emulsions or direct mixture with mineral
oil alone, with activators of host resistance mechanisms,
and most recently through the use of nutrition-related
compounds, both of chemical and natural origin. However,
the overlap of the applied products with the presence of
mineral oil, suggests an impediment to the penetration
of sunlight to the leaves, which affects the content of
chlorophyll, photosynthesis and therefore crop yields.
This methodology was used to determine
the early detection of BS symptoms in leaves 3, 4 and
5; however, to be able to establish the severity level
requires great precision in the recognition of the disease
symptomatology, this knowledge allows to establish
the frequency and level of cultural management and
fungicides with both protective and systemic action; This
makes it possible to have indicative values of the damage
level present in the plantation.
Pérez [30] indicated that the use of fungicides for
disease protection receives important attention, because
in areas with adequate rainfall regimen for banana
production of susceptible clones, if chemical controls are
not applied, satisfactory disease control is not achieved.
It has been pointed out that through fertilization,
it is nutritionally promoted the presence of epiphytic
populations of chitinolytic and glucanolytic bacteria that
have bioregulatory capacity on the pathogen and are
naturally found in the ecosystems of cultivated plants [31].
However, in the rainy season, there was less availability
of macronutrients such as sodium, magnesium and
ammonium; in addition, to the protein content favouring
epiphytic microbiota [32].
This control strategy seeks to reduce the
inoculum of the pathogen, before environmental
conditions favor its dissemination and establishment.
   
in times of low pressure of the disease such as the dry
season, and thus achieve more abundant and effective
populations of antagonist microbiota in rainy seasons,
where the pressure of the disease is strongest [30].
The equations of the polynomial models predict
that the lowest incidence of the disease occurs with
the lowest dose of Mg (25 kg/ha of MgO), perhaps due
to the mobilization of Mg to the vacuoles to act in the
maintenance of the osmotic potential, as well as to store
the Mg found in excess within plants.
The management of Black Sigatoka should
remain focused on the integration of cultural and chemical
procedures.Changes in consumer perceptions of healthier
products and public concern to stop environmental
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2021, January-April, pp. 04-58
Cedeño et al.
        
technologies being implemented.
It is necessary to consider the different Musaceae
production scenarios, on one hand, the use of materials,
cultivars or varieties less susceptible to the disease,
especially in areas with high rainfall regime; and secondly
the need for activities to promote such materials, cultivars
or varieties at the level of consumers highlighting the
  
others, in improving the quality of life of the population.
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This Journal was edited and published in digital format
on December 2020 by Serbiluz Editorial Foundation
Vol. 44. N°1, January - April 2021_________________